Interviewers encouraged household contacts who had not received testing to receive testing if the telephone interview occurred 14 days after the index date and instructed them to call back with test results. The main way people get infected, most leading public health officials and scientists now agree, isthrough exposure to this virus through the air, not through contaminated surfaces known scientifically as "fomites.". You can also ask yourself the same questions, but about future interactions with others, to help you decide what prevention actions to take. Outdoor spaces, though they arent 100% risk-free, remain the safest environments to socialize in, according to Dr. Rohde. Washington, DC: US Travel Association; 2021. The CDC has excellent guidelines to help you make sure your mask fits properly. Here's what you need to know. check the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. For this investigation, a confirmed case in a household contact was defined as a positive SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid amplification test result or antigen test result (through local or home testing)** 14 days after the index date. But that shouldn't cause you to lose sight of the advantages of socializing outdoors, she adds. Although it makes sense that people would worry about getting a more contagious variant outdoors, it's likely that the current surge in cases doesn't have anything to do with outdoor spread. 3501 et seq. Subanalyses were conducted to examine potential secondary transmission (as opposed to all household transmission); the interval was calculated for households of two persons (index patient and another household contact), and ARs were calculated after restricting the case definition to cases identified 7 days*** after the index date. Persons were provided with the following list of signs and symptoms compatible with COVID-19: fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, and diarrhea or abdominal pain during the course of their recent illness. By entering your email and clicking Sign Up, you're agreeing to let us send you customized marketing messages about us and our advertising partners. Slightly less transmissible were the 1918 pandemic strain of flu, which had an estimated R0 of 2, as does Ebola. Wen: Not necessarily. BA.5's increased transmission and our diminished immune defenses mean that COVID-19 transmission outdoors has become more likely. Someone who coughed onto their hand and then touched a door could seed virus there and transmit it to you if you touch. Upon taking a closer look at the new subvariant, scientists discovered that BA.5 has mutations in the spike protein that may allow it to evade the immune systems first line of defenseantibodiesraising the likelihood that itll cause a new wave of infections and reinfections, especially in people with low or waning immunity. . Health's content is for informational and educational purposes only. But the likelihood of transmission grew by 6% for every five weeks . . Higher outdoor wind speeds on warmer days were associated with up to a 45% lower risk of SARS-CoV-2 transmission in social gatherings. Early contact tracing studies detected far more indoor transmission of the coronavirus than outdoor. "The virus is fragile; these mutations haven't changed that. We reserve the right to close comments at any time. She also suggested making sure guests are vaccinated, have recently tested negative, and are symptom-free. Fourth, the interval analysis reflected time between dates of a positive test result or symptom onset, not date of infection, and did not account for duration of symptoms and prevention strategies, such as frequency of mask use. Similarly, the AR was lower among household contacts of index patients who ever wore a mask at home during their potentially infectious period (39.5%, 88 of 223) compared with those of index patients who never wore a mask at home (68.9%, 124 of 180) (p-value <0.01). Here, experts discuss just how contagious BA.5 isand how you can go the extra step to protect yourself, even during outdoor activities this summer. Mutations and natural selection can help subsequent versions of a virus get stronger and stronger in different ways, which seems to be happening with the Covid-19 coronavirus. Experts believe the virus that causes COVID-19 spreads mainly from person to person. FDA Grants Emergency Use Authorization for Novavax's COVID-19 Vaccine. Each week, we answer frequently asked questions about life during the coronavirus crisis. In order to outcompete, successful COVID variants have become more transmissible with time. A confirmed case in a household contact was receipt of a positive SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid amplification test result or antigen test result (through local or home testing) reported 14 days after the index date. When possible, SARS-CoV-2 testing data were supplemented with or verified using state or jurisdiction registry data. Outside gatherings are a prime example of this. In other words, 10 people crowded at an al fresco table doesnt equal safety just because there are only a handful of people around. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2020;69:131923. The short answer here is yes, you can get infected with the BA.5 subvariant, even in outdoor settings. Thanks to a unique cluster of mutations on the spike protein, the part of the virus that latches to our cells, BA.5 is believed to be the most contagious strain of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, so far. To help us with these questions, I spoke with CNN Medical Analyst Dr. Leana Wen, an emergency physician and professor of health policy and management at the George Washington University Milken Institute School of Public Health. These cookies may also be used for advertising purposes by these third parties. "These 'upgrades' in viral performance mean the virus can spread more quickly than prior variants.". The omicron sub-lineages are so new that infectious disease experts are still measuring their potential impact, even in outdoor settings. Similar ARs were observed across age groups for household contacts, including those aged 04 years (51.2%, 21 of 41). In the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, it felt like thevirus was everywhere and on everything. But being outside is still much, much safer than being indoors. Outdoor social gatherings are very safe, and certainly lower risk than the equivalent setting indoors. Thats another key preventive measure that we now have access to. Omicron transmission occurred in 124 (67.8%) of 183 households. 2. If you are attending an outdoor gatheringeven when community levels are medium or lowyou should still be cautious about masking and social distancing, especially in large crowds. These newer subvariants have additional mutations in the spike protein allowing them to evade immunity, so even if you had COVID earlier this year, don't assume you're in the clear from getting it again. That, combined with the sheer volume of cases, could mean that there could be more cases of outdoor transmission, says Dr. Jill. Sect. One review of studies concluded that the odds of indoor transmission is almost 19 times higher than outdoor transmission. CDC COVID-19 Response Team. You can review and change the way we collect information below. "More evidence is needed to account for the increased transmissibility of (Omicron) observed in various community studies," the researchers wrote. . * Persons self-reported their race (White, Black, Asian, American Indian or Alaska Native, or Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander), ethnicity (Hispanic/Latino or non-Hispanic/Latino), and gender (male or female) from lists of options and had the opportunity to state another option if their race, ethnicity, or gender was not listed. Without sequencing results for all household contact cases, it was not possible to confirm that transmission occurred from index patients to household contacts or that household contacts were infected with the same variant. Experts warn omicron variants can spread more easily outdoors; prior infections provide less immunit. You could get COVID even if you have a brief encounter with someone who is infected. ** Persons provided retrospective information about any SARS-CoV-2 testing that they chose and were able to perform. Omicron subvariant BA.5 may be the most contagious version of the SARS-CoV-2 virus that we've seen yetand even situations that have seemed relatively low-risk as of late, like outdoor gatherings, may now pose a greater threat. Spreading COVID outside was possible, but not probable, experts advised in 2020, urging cooped-up citizens to turn to Mother Nature as an antidote to the isolation of lockdowns. She is also author of Lifelines: A Doctors Journey in the Fight for Public Health.. To investigate the effectiveness of prevention strategies in household settings, CDC partnered with four U.S. jurisdictions to describe Omicron household transmission during November 2021February 2022. CNN: Does it make sense to mask in some situations but not others? COVID-19 still can be transmitted in outdoor settings . Comments are welcome while open. Of the 562 households successfully contacted, 175 (31.1%) declined to participate, and 204 (36.3%) were excluded; 183 (32.6%) were enrolled. Enrolled households included 183 index patients and 439 household contacts (Table). Biometrics 1988;44:104960. July 11, 2022 / 5:37 PM Masking in those environments, distancing, and vaccination are still effective preventative tools for us to utilize, Dr. Rohde says. Statistical significance was defined as p<0.05. References to non-CDC sites on the Internet are Fully vaccinated was defined as completion of the primary vaccination series 2 weeks before the index date and stratified into completion <5 months or 5 months before the index date. Its all about how close you are to that person coupled with airflow [turnover] and ventilation of the space you are in, whether that is indoors or outdoors, Dr. Rohde says. Linking to a non-federal website does not constitute an endorsement by CDC or any of its employees of the sponsors or the information and products presented on the website. Omicron may hang around longer on surfaces than original virus, early findings suggest | CBC News Loaded. The outdoors have always been a sanctuaryeven more so since the advent of the pandemic. Paxlovid Is Super Promising. With the COVID-19 omicron variant causing another surge in cases, K-12 schools across the United States are faced with the choice of whether to stay with in-person instruction. Masks work very well, though here I would urge that people wear an N95 or equivalent mask, such as a KN95 or KF94. This study aims to explore the relationship between the doses of inactivated COVID-19 vaccines received and SARS-CoV-2 Omicron infection in the real-world setting, so as to preliminarily evaluate the protective effect induced by COVID-19 vaccination. Of course, none of us want to get infected by the coronavirus, and no one should be trying to get it. Persons who only had signs or symptoms (and no positive SARS-CoV-2 test result) were considered to have a probable case. Are there certain settings where COVID-19 can spread more easily? "BA.5 is currently the predominant strain in circulation," epidemiologist Matt Weissenbach, DrPH, senior director of clinical affairs at Wolters Kluwer Health, told Health. What Is the C.1.2 Variant in COVID-19 Cases? Persons who reported any signs or symptoms during the course of their recent illness were considered to have COVID-19compatible symptoms. ** Analysis for attack rates by combined vaccination status combined persons who were fully vaccinated or had received a booster dose into one category (full/booster) and persons who were partially vaccinated or unvaccinated into another category (partial/unvacc). 5 Norovirus Symptoms That Can Hit You Really, Really Hard, This Simple Morning Habit Can Help You Sleep Way Better at Night, Jane Fonda Shared Her Simplest Tip for Fighting Depression as You Get Older, CDC Warns Against OTC Eye Drops Linked to 50 Infections in 11 States. Now, since everyone is spending more time outside because of summer and there is a very transmissible virus circulating, people may be getting infected with BA.5 outdoors more frequently. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) cannot attest to the accuracy of a non-federal website. The following conversation has been lightly edited for length and clarity. Wen: The risk of outdoor transmission is very low to the point that its virtually nonexistent. Surfaces play less of a role than aerosol transmission, but its still good practice to wash your hands well or to use hand sanitizer if you shake peoples hands and touch frequently used surfaces. "From a virus standpoint, there's no indication that omicron is behaving differently [in outdoor settings]," says Dr. Preeti Malani, an infectious disease professor at the University of Michigan who co-authored an editorial on the research on football teams. MMWR and Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report are service marks of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. 1CDC COVID-19 Emergency Response Team; 2Epidemic Intelligence Service, CDC; 3Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education, Oak Ridge, Tennessee; 4Chicago Department of Public Health; 5Connecticut Department of Public Health; 6Milwaukee Health Department; 7Utah Department of Health; 8CDC Foundation, Atlanta, Georgia. If you are generally healthy and fully vaccinated and boosted, your chance of severe illness from Covid-19 is very low. Received a booster dose was defined as having received an additional dose after completion of the primary COVID-19 vaccination series before the index date. Masks, vaccination, social distancing, testing and hand washing all play a role, too. The new year arrived with an omicron-fueled surge in COVID cases in Alameda County, causing widespread concern and resulting in a number of event cancellations and temporary business closures that recall the pandemic's earlier days.. Five studies described influenza transmission outdoors and 2 adenovirus transmission outdoors. . But if you're not able to keep. Emerg Infect Dis 2022;28:7569. "The mutations of BA.5 impact its spike protein in part and result in some important 'upgrades' in the ability of the virus to infect humans more quickly and also attach to the lungs," Dr. Blaivas said. Then came Omicron, with an reproductive rate almost twice as large: 9.5. As such, Omicron has a slightly shorter clearance phase, 5.35 days as compared to 6.23 days for Delta, as Omicron has a lower peak viral load. CNN: What about outdoors? May 6, 2022. If you are high-risk or have close contact with someone who is high risk, wear a mask indoors, even if you're just running inside to use the restroom or grab something quickly from a store. What if you have to go back to the office, and others arent masking? 552a; 44 U.S.C. Its unlikely most Americans will see local governments bring back even moderate pandemic restrictions. Greater COVID transmissibility due to Omicron variants means greater transmissibility in any setting, indoors or outdoorseven if outside is still safer, experts say. Viral particles disperse more quickly outside, thanks to wind speed and air currents. In just over five months, there were 22,334 confirmed SARS-CoV-2 Omicron infections, 31 hospitalizations and no COVID-19 deaths. You will be subject to the destination website's privacy policy when you follow the link. No other potential conflicts of interest were disclosed. These data points raise a sort of transmission paradox. The CDC doesn't currently recommend wearing a mask outdoors. "That gentle breeze outdoors is generally safer" than indoors, he says. All but one of the 183 included households had sequence-confirmed Omicron; this one household had probable Omicron through variant specific qPCR in which the specimen had mutations consistent with the Omicron variant (K417N+ and L452R). If a community level is high, you may want to reschedule your trip or be extra cautious. Physical distancing, exposure time, and protective measures can all influence your likelihood of getting infected with COVID-19or avoiding the virus. Overall, engaging in outdoor activities is less risky than going to indoor venues. Here are some frequently asked questions about the vaccines, eligibility, and more. Cookies used to track the effectiveness of CDC public health campaigns through clickthrough data. More outdoor air can decrease the risk of transmission. Given how quickly information about omicron is changing, we decided to reach out to Dr. Kirsten Bibbins-Domingo, a professor at the UCSF School of Medicine, to . Offers may be subject to change without notice. US Travel Association. Among 431 household contacts, 227 were classified as having a case of COVID-19 (attack rate [AR]=52.7%). The ARs among household contacts of index patients who had received a COVID-19 booster dose, of fully vaccinated index patients who completed their COVID-19 primary series within the previous 5 months, and of unvaccinated index patients were 42.7% (47 of 110), 43.6% (17 of 39), and 63.9% (69 of 108), respectively. Published on December 6, 2021. And the omicron variant acquires a more effective coating than the delta variant, meaning it could stay infectious outside the body for longer. * The interval was estimated by calculating the number of days between the symptom onset or positive test result date for the index patient and that of the household contact. Experts are still learning about COVID-19. CDC is not responsible for Section 508 compliance (accessibility) on other federal or private website. part 56; 42 U.S.C. Transmission can occur within a household setting on the first day an index patient is infected or on any subsequent day during which they are still shedding viable virus. For others, a restaurant with an open wall is outdoors. But he warned the public not to panic, and avoid resorting to heavy-handed precautions. Thus, the latest dominant COVID subvariants have a reproductive rate of around 18.6, tying or surpassing measles, the worlds most infectious viral disease, according to Esterman. My husband and I are vaccinated and boosted. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2022;71:14652. Julia M. Baker, PhD1,2,*; Jasmine Y. Nakayama, PhD1,2,*; Michelle OHegarty, PhD1; Andrea McGowan, MPH1,3; Richard A. Teran, PhD2,4; Stephen M. Bart, PhD2,5; Katie Mosack, PhD6; Nicole Roberts, MPHTM7; Brooke Campos7; Alina Paegle7; John McGee7; Robert Herrera7; Kayla English, MPH4; Carla Barrios4,8; Alexandria Davis, MD4; Christine Roloff, MS4; Lynn E. Sosa, MD5; Jessica Brockmeyer, MPH5; Lindsey Page, MPH6; Amy Bauer6; Joshua J. Weiner, MS6; Manjeet Khubbar, MSc6; Sanjib Bhattacharyya, PhD6; Hannah L. Kirking, MD1; Jacqueline E. Tate, PhD1 (View author affiliations). Research suggests that outdoor transmission, when it does occur, typically results from prolonged close contact. Zeger SL, Liang KY, Albert PS. Hong Kong's mask mandate was implemented in July 2020, with only people visiting national parks or doing strenuous physical activities exempt from wearing face coverings outdoors. Cookies used to make website functionality more relevant to you. To Patel, for small group settings to be safe, people cant be shouting (COVID spreads more when people are singing or yelling), you must be able to maintain some distance from others, and everyone should be following public health measures like hand-washing. For me, my area, in Baltimore City, is in a green or low-risk area for Covid-19 transmission, according to the CDC. The original Wuhan strain of COVID-19 had a reproductive ratealso known as an R0 or R-naught valueof around 3.3, meaning that each infected person infected another 3.3 people, on average. 2023 BuzzFeed, Inc. All rights reserved. The small sample size, especially for certain stratum-specific ARs, may limit overall generalizability of the results. URL addresses listed in MMWR were current as of All information these cookies collect is aggregated and therefore anonymous. If you are sick and need to be around others, or are caring for someone who has COVID-19, wear a mask. Monthly travel data report. But if it's a casual interaction outside, even if it's relatively crowded, I'm comfortable not having a mask on. MedRxiv: "Transmission event of SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant reveals multiple vaccine breakthrough infections." and/or the original MMWR paper copy for printable versions of official text, figures, and tables. All HTML versions of MMWR articles are generated from final proofs through an automated process. Received a booster dose was defined as having received an additional dose after completion of the primary COVID-19 vaccination series before the index date. i 'S privacy policy when you follow the link and were able to.. Casual interaction outside, thanks to wind speed and air currents groups household. Cnn: does it make sense to mask in some situations but not others your... 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