600,000 passengers daily are "the first in the world" to travel thanks to wind energy. The 600,000 daily. With wind power usage in 2015 equal to 12.5 billion kWh, Dutch demand for wind power amply exceeds supply. http://www.euanmearns.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/interconnectors.png. Train tickets for international journeys can be purchased from NS International. These. TL;DR Dutch trains run on natural gas and coal power, not wind power. http://electronicdesign.com/power/google-s-renewable-energy-plan-what-it-seems, Telling fibs has become so fashionable that everyone and his train or server wants to be in on it. [10] [11] [12], 2015 One thing I should have mentioned in the post is why NS doesnt get all its wind power from Netherlands wind farms. According to Statistics Netherlands, gross electricity generation was approximately 110 billion kilowatthours (BkWh) in 2015. If you want to be generous to NS, you can say that the BritNed interconnector is definitely being fed by the coal fired Maasvlakte power stations when it is delivering 1GW to the UK, because theyre right next door to the HVDC converters. Really funny, as it cuts it both ways when you dont know reality and cant speak French you have to believe what you find on the English writing interwebs or the greenpiss propaganda leaflets. When I travel, I just plug in my electric razor, which automatically converts it. One windmill running for an hour can power a train for 120 miles, the companies said. Snopes and the Snopes.com logo are registered service marks of Snopes.com. No direct subsidies from the government are related to this contract.. Thatd give us a consumption figure for the city of around 1.5 billion kWh. There is, however, a problem. Physically it makes no difference as you say, but as HeavyWeather pointed out above my money is now going to fund reactors not Energiewende, so Im happy. If not, Im sure their stranded customers would be happy to explain it to them. Not big money, even on 100TWh. [1], By December 2013, 1,975 wind turbines were operational on land in the Netherlands, with an aggregate capacity of 2,479 MW. It seems that NS may be outsourcing costs as well as power. As Enecos account manager Michel Kerkhof pointed out, the key objective is to avoid procuring energy from the limited existing number of sustainable energy projects in the Netherlands, thus promoting renewable growth both domestically and Europe-wide., This partnership ensures that new investments can be made in even newer wind farms, which will increase the share of renewable energy, Kerkhof continued. While it was originally used to pump water or grind grain, wind is now helping Dutch commuters get to work. Whats the trick? As Hughes observed, his point was that "the concept of net energy is crucial if we want to find a policy that will see us through the Energy Sustainability Dilemma," not that windmills should be eschewed for using up more energy than they ever create. The 113,3 Twh exported far exceeds the actual exports of course, but were good business for the power companies selling their power twice. This material may not be reproduced without permission. Does anyone even believe that? Only a small fraction of the power delivered to its trains actually comes from wind.. quite an amount of work youve done there, It doesnt add up ! I have caught people several times in their lectures saying they are burning biogas on a campus, and they always are sheepish when I call them out on it, because they know they are fibbing. Great post. * Just an FYI, this official infographic shows that the scheme saves 1.4 billion kWh of electricity, which they say is the same as whats used by ALL of Amsterdams residents. simply use the smart technology to cut them off until their consumption matches the wind farms output. One wind turbine running for an hour can power a train for 120 miles, the companies said. It`s a scam. The Netherlands is also well prepared for a significant rise in the production of intermittent power from wind energy by good linkages to its neighbours via high voltage cables enabling power to be imported or exported as required. 01-13-17 Dutch Railways' Electric Trains Now Run On 100% Wind Energy Now 1.2 million people per day can commute without raising their carbon footprint. The city also gets about a third of its power from a large biomass plant. When the train doesn't run, NS schedules buses instead. To aver otherwise displays ignorance or deception. heavyweather~ Im sure you can link us to sites which prove your point. Hinkley C will have a footprint of 165 acres when operational and an equivalent footprint for onshore windturbines would be from 160,000 to 490,000 acres (dependent on power of turbines available) to produce the same power output over a year. New wind farm deployment is based on the SER agreement that describes a plan for five years of tendering 700 MW per year. Not relevant here. All Dutch electric trains are now powered by wind energy, the national railway company NS has said . remarkably consists of wind turbines with just 2 blades, manufactured by Nedwind, the 18 turbines have a combined nominal power of 18 MW.[30]. The turbines supply enough energy to power 2.4 million households. Plus, it turns out that about half the electricity NS uses to power its rail system comes from outside of the Netherlands. The concept of net energy must be applied to renewable sources of energy, such as windmills and photovoltaics. This is hardly enough to make a big deal about. So while wind contributes about 7% to the Netherlands electricity generation it contributes about 11% to the countrys electricity consumption. What is SDE? What Was It Like When The Universe First Created More Matter Than Antimatter? Putting these numbers together indicates that only 10-15% of the electricity consumed annually by NSs electric trains will come from wind, with the rest a mixture that includes mostly Dutch gas and coal plus a small amount of Belgian and German coal, nuclear and lignite and maybe even a little German solar. If you would like to know more, click here. Active 2016. [62], Installed land-based wind capacity (MW) by. Active 2020. https://ecommons.cornell.edu/bitstream/handle/1813/5329/Bothi_BEEThesis.pdf;sequence=1, When wind power is fed into a grid it becomes inextricably mixed with all the vibrating electrons from other generation sources to the point where there is no way of knowing where any power taken from the grid came from.. NS is the main public train in the Netherlands. Earlier this week, one of their national railway companies, Nederlandse Spoorwegen (NS), announced that, since 1 st January, every single one of its electric trains have been running on energy. Berlin Neighborhood to Experiment With Eliminating Parking Spaces, High PFAS Levels in Norwegian Arctic Ice Pose New Risk to Wildlife, Report: London Ultra Low Emissions Zone Succeeded in Curbing Harmful Air Pollution, Studies Find Louisiana Government Helped Create Cancer Alley, Prestigious Engineering Prize Awarded to Pioneering Solar Team, Leaked Video Shows Sediment Release in Deep-Sea Mining Test, After Record-Breaking 2022, China Told to Brace for Another Year of Weather Extremes, Seed Saving 101: Everything You Need to Know. The question is: how long must a windmill generate energy before it creates more energy than it took to build it? [5] In 2020 wind power provided 11.54% of the Dutch electricity generation (see table above) while solar power provided an additional 7.25% for a combined 18.79% - easily meeting the target without taking other renewable sources into account, even though the target for onshore wind capacity was not met. That's something. I Did Not Say Wind Energy is 'Idiot Power.'" French people are bricoleurs they like to build their own house, thanks to the fact that if it has a surface below 175 m2 you dont need to go through an architect, you can do your own building plan. The Netherland's national railway company, NS, has announced that all of its electric passenger trains are now 100 percent powered by wind energy. Do the claims about Netherlands trains also require further explanation? Instead of trains recovering energy for their own use, any excess power is directed to a centralized bank of lithium-ion batteries. Dutch Electric Trains Become 100% Powered By Wind Energy Technology Dutch Electric Trains Become 100% Powered By Wind Energy By Garrett Parker Posted on January 20, 2017 Updated on April 8, 2020 The Netherlands are called the Netherlands because so much of its landscape lies below sea level. As stated in this thread the claims that one can use only 100% renewables generated electricity from the grid ,are well ,a bit of smoke and mirrors. A NS train. In this way, the Dutch railways aim to reduce the greatest negative environmental impact caused by CO2 in such a way that its demand actually contributes to the sustainable power generation in the Netherlands and Europe.. You may have a battery bank to store some of it in case of an outage, but mostly it will go to the electric company and they credit you. The Dutch government is looking to ramp up the nations share of renewable energy from 4 percent in 2014 to 16 percent in 2023. Since 2015 there has been a trend towards the deployment and planning for large wind farms, both onshore and offshore, with a view to the approximate tripling wind power capacity from 2015 levels by 2023. That would meet approximately 75% of the countries electricity needs. The claim by the Dutch railway network, Nederlandse Spoorwegen (NS), is almost entirely a sleight of hand. [16], In March 2018 the Dutch government announced that it will build between 2023 and 2030 several new windfarms with a total installed capacity of 7 gigawatt. Thus, all of NE has the same energy mix, i.e., there is not one mix for VT, another for NH, or one mix for the Netherlands, another for Germany. The point about this is that it is just PR. . As shown in the table below installed capacity is dominantly fossil fuel, with natural gas making up 61% of total installed capacity and coal 15%. The trains cant run as advertised on weak and intermittent wind power, and there is only one plug on the wall. Such as happened earlier this year in the UK when we had several days of around only 300MW of total metered wind power. In 2006, the Egmond aan Zee Offshore Wind Farm was built, consisting of 36 Vestas V90 3MW turbines, totaling 108 MW, sufficient to light 100,000 houses. Imports from the German grid, however, will contain about 14% wind power, although not wind power that NS has contracted for. You may opt-out by. Electricity is electricity, electron charge transfer. In total there were 3,004 MW of onshore wind power at the end of 2015. Were these conditions to repeat themselves now, and if NSs trains were powered exclusively by wind, they would almost certainly come to a halt. However, it seems officials have been able to beat that goal by an entire year. However, the government wants 40% of the total electricity used in 2030 in the Netherlands to be supplied by wind. In contrast to onshore wind farms, almost all turbines by January 2017 were situated in just a few large wind farms. What is clear is that most of those electrons didnt originate from wind turbines. Roger, that map isn`t quite updated. So we in fact reached our goal a year earlier than planned, said Boon, adding that an increase in the number of wind farms across the country and off the coast of the Netherlands had helped NS achieve its aim. Earlier this week, one of their national railway companies, Nederlandse Spoorwegen (NS), announced that, since 1st January, every single one of its electric trains have been running on energy harvested from wind. There is a DC interconnector (LitPol, 500 MW) between Lithuania and Poland now, and in addition the NordBalt (DC 700 MW) between Sweden and Lithuania. This text is selectively excerpted from a chapter written by David Hughes in Carbon Shift (2009), a book I co-edited. Only a small fraction of the power delivered to its trains actually comes from wind. You make one good point here which is that France has cheap electricity but expensive heating. They arent directly powered by wind. Overhead wires are best suited to tram and intercity services, whereas the more compact third rail option is preferred for underground trains. Putting these numbers together indicates that only 10-15% of the electricity consumed annually by NSs electric trains will come from wind, with the rest a mixture that includes mostly Dutch gas and coal plus a small amount of Belgian and German coal, nuclear and lignite and maybe even a little German solar, Andrews explains. First some details on the Netherlands electricity sector. A little more than a tenth of all electricity consumed in the Netherlands comes from wind power, some of which is imported. https://askjaenergy.com/2015/03/23/does-apple-not-want-truly-green-data-centers/. This has already led to a savings of 1.43 billions kilograms of C02 emissions. The national railway company, NS, said that its renewables target had been met a year earlier than planned. Only a small fraction of the power delivered to its trains actually comes from wind.. All wind amd solar energy gets a hefty FIT tariff in the Netherlands, intended to guarantee profitability of the energy investment over the long term (even if the electricity market price goes negative, for example). Often only 100% renewable utilities are allowed to participate in the auctions. Why cant, errr sorry, why Dont you? [1], The Dutch government has expressed the aspiration to build 4.450 MW of offshore wind power by 2023[5] which will have a considerable impact on the Dutch electricity grid, operated by TenneT. The Dutch government has set a target of 6,000 MW nameplate capacity of onshore wind power by 2020 (not met, as per the data above) and 4,450 MW of offshore wind power by 2023. No I live in Scotland a potential world leader in renewable technology according to our government! In 2016, Dutch wind hit the headlines again, when a 700 MW offshore windfarm near the town of Borssele became the most cost-effective in the world. Roger, NO. Eneco and NS said on a joint website that around 600,000 passengers daily are the first in the world to travel thanks to wind energy. "Carbon Shift: How Peak Oil and the Climate Crisis Will Change Canada (and Our Lives) Paperback." BBC News. Its own wind farms, built in the Netherlands, Belgium, Finland, and Sweden, aim to generate enough energy to fulfill NS's demand of about 1.4 terawatt-hours for 2017 (enough to power a million . At a good wind site, the energy payback day could be in three years or less; in a poor location, energy payback may be never. As Brightvibes noted, a decreasing and relatively small number of Dutch trains are still running on diesel. However, wind power consumption in the Netherlands in 2015 was 12.5TWh, indicating that about 5TWh of wind power was imported during the year. BTW, I have never felt deprived by having 60 Hz instead of 50Hz. I see the logic behind the options for supply that can be taken, but how can any householder take a contract for 100% wind power when often this is not available, certainly if a large number opt for green power. In this way, the Dutch railways aim to reduce the greatest negative environmental impact caused by CO2 in such a way that its demand actually contributes to the sustainable power generation in the Netherlands and Europe.. I am surrounded by almost 3000 MWs of hydro power in my county alone, but because of these guarantees of origin my supposed consumption is very dirty, consisting mostly of a central European mix of coal, natural gas, nuclear with some renewables added. The Same Reason You Would Study Anything Else, The (Mostly) Quantum Physics Of Making Colors, This Simple Thought Experiment Shows Why We Need Quantum Gravity, How The Planck Satellite Forever Changed Our View Of The Universe. When challenged on its claim, NS clarified that only the electrified portion of its system runs completely on wind power. if any Finnish electron reaches Netherlands most likely it goes via Baltic states, Poland and Germany. When wind power is fed into a grid it becomes inextricably mixed with all the vibrating electrons from other generation sources to the point where there is no way of knowing where any power taken from the grid came from. Produced at least 12 models of 2000, 4000, 4500, and 5000kW. The other half comes from newly built wind farms in . Wind power now supplies about 10% of Belgiums electricity, so power imported from the Belgian grid will be about 10% wind. Eneco has made a point . (CONTINUED), London Underground trains use two conductor rails to manage their electricity needs (Image courtesy [+] of BEN STANSALL/AFP/Getty Images), In all cases, this regenerated electricity can be returned to the power line via the conductor rail. The supply of wind power to the Dutch grid will also not be constant. Up until the Westereems Wind Park was commissioned the largest onshore wind farm was the Princess Alexia Windpark in Zeewolde (122MW),[36] consisting of 36 REpower turbines and a 3.2MW/33MWh battery storage power station of BMW i3 batteries. The GoOs trade at a premium and help to subsidise the production. According to LJ Electrical only 2,231km of NSs total 3,223km of track is electrified): Figure 2: The Netherlands railway network. As of the 1st of January, 2017, electric Dutch trains are now completely powered by wind energy, according to NS, the national railway company. This record was immediately beaten the following year with another 766 MW being added. In an anything goes era of news and social media, its not often that a post jumps off the page. Wind turbines feed electricity into the grid and the electric company credits them for the electricity. The Dutch and other people draw energy from the European grid, which has been generated by many sources. Heres a fantasy as to how Nederlandse Spoorwegen could make their claims of only using wind power a reality. [61] A further 228 MW of installed capacity will be added when completed. [19] In July 2016, the first two stages of offshore wind farm development for a combined 700 MegaWatt capacity in a water area near Borssele was awarded to DONG Energy at a price of 7.27 Euro cent per kilowatt hour for 15 years. As of January 1, all trains in the Netherlands now run entirely on wind power (that is to say electricity generated by wind farms, not masts and sails). Electricity backed 100% by low-carbon generation, Its also why we make good on our supply promise for homes on our Blue tariffs: well match every unit you use with electricity generated from low-carbon nuclear sources.. Only the Guardian has seen fit to publish a correction: An earlier version said all Dutch trains were now 100% powered by wind-generated electricity, according to the national railway company NS. http://www.litgrid.eu/index.php/sistemos-duomenys/79. So, as you can see, your silly view of the frrrench domestic heating habits are wrong, probably based on indoctrination from greenpiss or the like. A book co-edited by Thomas Homer-Dixon contained a passage stating that windmills "might never generate as much energy as was invested in building [them]." [13] The wind farm demonstrates the growth in scale in wind power as between 1987 and 1991 it was the largest of its kind in Europe with 50 turbines and a total nameplate capacity of 15 MW. It feels to many like progress. But none of this wind power is directly connected to the NS rail system. The wholesale price of GOs seems to be a mere 0.36/MWh or so. In total, NS consumes around 1.2 TWh of electricity to power its trains. That would power a large proportion of all of the households in Amsterdam**. Because Eneco, which contracts to supply NS with wind power, gets a Guarantee of Origin from the exporter under which the exporter confirms that the power came from wind and assigns the rights to it to NS. The best of EcoWatch right in your inbox. The construction of these wind farms along with others in the Netherlands, Belgium, and Finland helped NS and Eneco to hit their target so far ahead of schedule. Whereas the more compact third rail option is preferred for underground trains large biomass plant to government! Demand for wind power usage in 2015 equal to 12.5 billion kWh, demand. 40 % of the countries electricity needs from wind turbines feed electricity into the and! And 5000kW grid and the electric company credits them for the power delivered to its trains actually from! By an entire year it Like when the Universe first Created more Matter than?! 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