Same as Francophone, but the official approving commitments and payments is usually the same (unlike separation of responsibility in Francophone countries). This is mainly prevalent in Austria, Germany, and partially in some neighboring countries. Transactions undertaken using exceptional procedures often end up being registered in suspense accounts that are rarely cleared due to lack of budget cover and are neither properly tracked nor reported. Lack of a credible expenditure authorization/appropriation framework, including cost underestimation by spending agencies. Budget Preparation. Key challenges: large variations in effectiveness of controls; and reconciling accrual-based data at line agencies with cash-based data at the treasury. There is regular reporting and monitoring of overdue liabilities. They are also reconciled with bank statements. A distinction can be made between the treatment of high value and risk-prone transactions vis--vis low value transactions. The author is also grateful to K. Douglass for her assistance with data analysis. When looking to strengthen expenditure control, it is therefore important to review the whole expenditure cycle/process instead of focusing on a few stages.36 However, based on experience in different groups of countries, it is possible to identify a set of problems that characterize different expenditure control traditions: British Commonwealth. Lack of adequate control over government expenditure remains a problem in many countries. A comprehensive commitment control system is in place that captures not only one-off (purchase order type) but also multi-year (e.g., projects contacts) commitments. Reservation/pre-commitment. Expenditures. Commitment-based budgeting systems impose limits on both expenditure commitments and cash payments. In Francophone and Lusophone systems, such wide ranging responsibilities are not provided to spending agencies and various departments of the ministry of finance play a major role at key stages of the expenditure cycle. Reservation. Apportionment framework and cash plans/ forecasts take account of commitment profiles and associated expected payment schedules. Therefore, there would be no under-execution of the budget under these circumstances. Special procedures are also sometimes a symptom of the inefficiency of the normal procedures to respond adequately to priority needs. Accurate costing of policies and programs, and a comprehensive expenditure authorization framework that captures all expenditure measures. This is especially true for expenditure on multi-annual investment projects (see Section III for multi-year expenditure limits on commitments). The system is unlike that in France where each line minister has always been an Ordonnateur Principal. In particular, the new law: (i) divests the financial controllers of the responsibility for regularity control (contrle de rgularit) of budget managers (administrateurs de credit), which was transferred/decentralized to the line ministries; (ii) requires the financial controllers to assess the fiscal sustainability of decisions taken by budget managers to reinforce macro-fiscal discipline; and (iii) also requires the controllers of central agencies, such as the General Inspectorate of Finances (Inspection gnrale des finances), to apply a risk-based approach to control. Economy Minister Mohd Rafizi Ramli said, if the government is . The usual goals of both fiscal and monetary policy are to achieve or maintain full employment, to achieve or maintain a high rate of . The treasury department of the ministry of finance is responsible for maintaining central appropriation and fund accounts, forecasting government cash requirements and raising the necessary finance, supervising government/treasury bank accounts, and monitoring cash balances in these accounts. Budgeting, internal control and audits are commonly used by government owned hospitals in order to curb expenditures, cost benefits, analysis and management audits that could be applied are not in use. However, even in such cases and in line with the principles of budget comprehensiveness, transparency, and accountability, such expenditures should be included in the budget documentation, and subjected to the same regularity controls discussed in Section III (see Table 1). Box 2 describes the other specific controls that can supplement these general controls. Some countries PFM systems explicitly recognize all or most of the above stages and track them through a budgetary accounting system, while others formally track only a few of them.16 For example, the Spanish and Portuguese-speaking countries track all seven stages and the Francophone countries track at least six stages (the reservation stage or engagement budgtaire is also sometimes tracked). Expenditure Control: Key Features, Stages, and Actors. Originally designed for exceptional circumstances, the use of this procedure expanded in several Francophone African countries to settle most of the expenditures. Nonetheless, recent theoretical and empirical evidence supports a mixed relationship between these variables. Financial accounts are prepared by the ministries and agencies and consolidated by the ministry of finance. 6. multi-year limits for certain types of expenditure (e.g., autorisation d'engagement: for multi-year investment projects in Francesee Box 3). Advertisement. Sweden has a separate debt management agency which also administers the TSA system. In the third phase, a risk-based approach to control (control modul de la dpense) could be introduced, which in essence comprises the replacement of systematic ex ante control at the line item/transaction level by ex post audit and strengthened oversight. The accounting officer in the spending ministry, usually the permanent secretary, is responsible for proper use and control of the ministry appropriations. Lienert, I., and F. Sarraf, 2001, Systemic Weaknesses of Budget Management in Anglophone Africa, Working Paper WP/01/211, (Washington: International Monetary Fund). Table 4 lists some specific tools and measures that can address weaknesses at different stages of the expenditure cycle. Minimizes the cost of financing government programs by smoothing the gap between cash inflows and outflows. Commitment control is not comprehensive, i.e., it focuses only on commitments likely to materialize during the year. The main thrust of reforms is to ensure that payments are made within the due date to prevent accumulation of payables/arrears, extend the horizon of the cash plan which also reflects expected payments, and eliminate exceptional procedures for payment. The Scandinavian countries (Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and Finland) do not have a separate treasury department in the ministry of finance. This devolution/decentralization of financial and expenditure control should be gradual and based on predefined competency criteria for line ministries/agencies who should demonstrate that they can operate with higher levels of delegated authority. As a result, progress stalled and the reform was not pursued further. A change management strategy should also be developed and implemented, taking into consideration the implications of the reform strategy for diverse stakeholders, from senior officials to agency heads, and the personnel who will support the new systems. The common practice was for lines of credit to be given to line ministries/agencies to spend against accounts in local banks. Several Francophone African countries are taking measures recently to reduce the complementary period to one month. The key questions to be asked are: (i) whether all the key stages of the expenditure cycle and associated business rules and processes have been clearly defined; and (ii) whether the required controls at each stage have been clearly specified and consistently applied. A unit of government, typically a line ministry, department or agency, is assigned the responsibility to ensure that the appropriated resources are spent as intended within the authorized limits. Tailored financial services and climate risk management tools to link small farmers to markets, The Real Actors and the PMP (Policymaking Process), Housing Finance in Chile: Instruments, Actors, and Policies, The Political Economy of Productivity: Actors, Arenas and Policymaking, How Democracy Works: Political Institutions, Actors and Arenas in Latin American Policymaking, Sustainable Forest Management in Latin America: Relevant Actors and Policies, Urban Heritage Conservation in Latin America and the Caribbean: A Task for All Social Actors, Public Financial Management in Latin America: The Key to Efficiency and Transparency, Costa Rica: The Next Stage-Reform without Volatility; A Report, Who Decides on Public Expenditures? Once checks are made to ensure that all previously stipulated controls have been performed and documented, a payment order is issued. They are at least issued on a quarterly basis or, preferably, for the full year divided into quarterly tranches. an emphasis on transparency and accountability to the legislature and the public for expenditure overruns. For example, in the United States mandatory or entitlement programs, such as Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and certain other programs are not controlled by annual appropriations, except for the requirement to show a corresponding increase or decrease in the costs of these programs due to any envisaged changes. Commitment limits may be multi-year in nature (usually for capital projects) and carried over from one financial year to the next, while cash expenditure limits are usually set for the budget year. Lienert, I., 2009, Modernizing Cash Management, Technical Notes and Manuals, (Washington: International Monetary Fund). To help PFM practitioners evaluate a countrys budget execution system and identify priorities for strengthening expenditure controls, this TNM: explains the key stages of the government expenditure chain (Section II); describes the (i) types of controls applied at each stage of the chain, their objectives, and key features; (ii) nature of expenditure limits in cash-based, commitment-based and accrual-based budgeting environments; (iii) centralized vs. decentralized approach to the exercise of those controls; and (iv) authority and responsibility of various institutional actors throughout the expenditure cycle (Section III); examines the influence of different administrative traditions on types of expenditure controls exercised and the allocation of responsibility for their application (Section IV); identifies the typical weaknesses and problems associated with different expenditure control traditions (Section V); and. Excessive number of redundant controls leads to payment delays,37 arrears, and proliferation of exceptional procedures that bypass the normal expenditure control framework. International Monetary Fund Copyright 2010-2021. Other specific controls relate to specific types of transactions and are designed to either reinforce macro-fiscal discipline and sustainability (e.g., controls on payroll, pensions, and incurrence or liquidation of liabilities or guarantees) or safeguard the integrity and efficiency of public procurement and payroll systems. It may also have a role in appropriation and commitment controls through its representatives posted in spending agencies (as in Francophone systems). This objective is achieved by appropriations. Khan, A., and M. Pessoa, 2010, Conceptual Design: A Critical Element of a Government Financial Management Information System Project, Technical Notes and Manuals (Washington: International Monetary Fund). There is scope for disparate application of controls by line agencies, particularly when the control criteria are not well defined. Examples of this include lowering taxes and raising government spending. The main reform at this stage is the introduction of a comprehensive commitment control system, including for multi-year commitments and standing commitments (e.g., salaries, utilities, subsidies, transfers, etc.). Moussa, Y., 2004, Public Expenditure Management in Francophone Africa: A Cross-Country Analysis, Working Paper WP/04/42, (Washington: International Monetary Fund). To be able to exercise upfront control over the future resource requirements related to pensions, countries implementing accrual budgeting (e.g., the UK, Australia and New Zealand) include the accruing cost and any unfunded liabilities of pension schemes17 within budgetary limits for each government department.18. As such, the focus of expenditure control at the commitment phase of budget execution has moved from an annual to a multiannual basis, i.e., the total cost of a legal commitment into which the government is entering into is fully recorded against the available multiannual commitment authorizations/AEs. As described in detail in the next section, the application of controls at various stages of the expenditure cycle may be centralized within the ministry of finance or decentralized to line ministries and agencies. In most cases, researchers assume that control of corruption, rule of law, accountability, and government expenditure tend to have a positive impact on government effectiveness. The main objective of the government as a purchaser is to obtain high-quality goods and services at a competitive price. The accounting department22 of the ministry of finance issues regulations and guidelines on matters related to the preparation of financial accounts by spending agencies, prepares and issues government-wide financial reports, and conducts regular bank reconciliations. _paq.push(['setSiteId', '17']); While the answer to this question will depend on specific country context and weaknesses, in general caution should be exercised in the devolution of controls in countries that are at the initial stage of development of PFM systems (e.g., fragile states), or with weak capacity at line agencies to implement the required controls, and/or without strong institutions of ex post oversight (internal and external audit). Excessive time lag between reservation and commitment resulting in unnecessary encumbrance on available funds. In this context, the function of financial and expenditure control has been merged with the treasury and verification of the regularity of certain current expenditures (such as salaries, leases and certain procurement contracts) has been delegated to line agencies at the commitment level. In many cases, a transaction processing system may have to be supplemented by specialized consolidation software to generate the necessary reports in a timely manner. Thus, the changes will affect the economy. While expenditure control frameworks differ greatly from country to country, it is nonetheless possible to define, in a generic sense: the key stages of the budget execution cycle; the specific control objectives at each of these stages; and. As part of the budgetary accounting, commitments and payments made (through the CPs) against each AE are tracked to identify and report on (i) AE approved in budget law; (ii) AE consumed through legal commitments; (iii) AE unused/available for new commitments; (iv) CP authorized in budget law; and (v) payments made or CP consumed (see figure below). This control is a key element of the overall cash management system. The new 2009 WAEMU/CEMAC directives, however, call for a shift from centralized to decentralized ordonnancement in these countries. It also proposes some indicatorsmainly based on the PEFA frameworkthat could be used to assess reform progress. By contrast, British Commonwealth countries do not formally track controls at every stage and typically track only the first and last two stages of the expenditure chain: authorization, payment order, and payment (see also Section IV). Cash plans in these countries are used as tools for rationing expenditure authority but themselves tend to be unrealistically optimistic, as they do not reflect expected cash outflows based on commitments. Table 4 lists suggested indicators that could be used to assess progress at different stages of the expenditure cycle. Transactions are recognized, classified, and recorded in the books/ general ledger according to a countrys accounting policies/standards and chart of accounts. A centralized accounting organization (usually called Accountant General) is responsible for making payments and keeping accounting records. However, these hurdles were set at such a high level that hardly any agency cleared them. This approach comprised two main components: (i) a set of core financial and performance management competencies (called the hurdles) to be met by each line agency to qualify for delegation of financial management and control; and (ii) semi-contractual arrangements between the Bureau of the Budget and line agencies formally linking the reduction in central control to the achievement of the specified competencies. Expenditures authorized through standing/ permanent legislations are forecast and included in the budget documents. Expenditure not appropriated/authorized by the start of fiscal year. PFM weaknesses such as lack of a comprehensive and credible budget,41 poor cash planning or shallow markets for government debt, reporting delays, and accumulation of liabilities/arrears also undermine the effectiveness of expenditure control. World Bank, 2007, Budgeting and Budgetary Institutions, Public Sector Governance and Accountability Series. Three of the seven stages (commitment, verification, and payment) involve a third party (a creditor, supplier, beneficiary, etc.) The first and each subsequent actuarial valuation report includes valuation results for the purposes of measuring changes in the cost of the pension scheme against the employer cost cap, expressed as a percentage of pensionable pay. Some types of budget appropriationsdebt service, for examplemay not be subject to a strict spending limit and may be revised according to developments in interest rates and exchange rates. The key reforms include clarifying responsibilities for verification of delivery of goods and/or services, ensuring documentary proof of delivery, and eliminating any undue delay between verification and issuance of payment orders. The TSA systems in some of these countries give financial incentives for smoothing expenditure profiles. The lack of effective communication between treasury, which uses a cash-based budget execution system, and line agencies, which maintain their own accounting records (normally on accrual basis), leads to problems in reconciling expenditure data. Even when payment processing and expenditure controls are decentralized, a central aggregate control on cash is still required. In broad terms, Commonwealth systems28 are characterized by the devolution of the responsibility for financial control and the issue of payment orders to line ministries. Most budget execution control operations are delegated to the line ministries. 4, Paris. Budget modifications during the year are done according to legally prescribed processes (e.g., virements, contingency reserves, and supplementary/revised budgets), transparently, and in a way that promotes governments chosen objectives. Therefore, unlike the old French system, the key principles here are integration and delegation. It can be spent on a range of different . No verification/certification system (i.e., payment orders issued without verification). not tracked. But these funds may take some time to be further transferred to subsidiary spending units under the line ministries and then be spent on the salaries or goods and services that constitute final expenditure. Types of Fiscal Policy The government has control over both taxes and government spending. When it increases, aggregate demand increases, and we expect the economy to grow higher. Payroll audits should also be undertaken regularly to identify weaknesses in the control system. The line agencies have responsibility for executing their budget and managing the funds/ resources assigned to them. Total revenue including grants . Spending units enter into commitments only against unencumbered spending authority and the cash plan covers the expected payment profiles of commitments. For example, a treasury-based centralized payment system with decentralized responsibility for appropriation and commitment controls at the line agency level can be progressively introduced as the FMIS is rolled out (subject to adequate connectivity between the line agencies and the treasury). However, the complexity of the expenditure chain, the precise nature of the controls exercised at each stage, and the degree of centralization varies considerably across countries and is heavily influenced by their respective administrative traditions. Insufficient allocation for expenditure authorized through standing/permanent legislations. The main reforms required to address the weaknesses at different stages of the expenditure cycle are as follows: Authorization. As part of the comprehensive reform of its budget framework in 2001, France introduced multiannual commitment authorizations as a means of controlling expenditure obligations and associated payments for programs or projects that span more than one year (e.g., investment projects). Governments expenditure must be within the amounts that the budget appropriations have established, with some flexibility allowed through virements and contingency reserve mechanisms. This paper defines and explains key stages of the government expenditure chain and describes the controls applied at each stage, including their objectives and key features as well as centralized vs. decentralized approaches in application of those controls. The authorization for expenditure is usually given through the budget law which defines the time horizon for, limits on,5 purpose of, and administrative unit accountable for government expenditure (Box 1).6 To deal with unanticipated spending pressures, some flexibility in the allocation of expenditure between sectors may be allowed subject to clear rules/criteria (e.g., through virements and/or allocation from a contingency reserve). Apportionment of authorization for specific periods and spending units. Types of Control, Their Key Features and Objectives. Procurement procedures should provide a fair opportunity for all bidders to compete for government contracts, and be designed to get good value for money and to minimize risks of corruption and patronage. Commitment approval delinked from apportionment and cash management frameworks. Therefore, after warrant releases, line ministries have the power to: (i) make commitments against their budget appropriations and authorized cash ceilings without reference to the ministry of finance; (ii) issue payment orders to liquidate those commitments that have materialized; and (iii) prepare accounts of their expenditures. That leaves just 20 to 30 percent of expenditures that are discretionary and can be changed in the government's annual budget. However, the design and implementation of such a differentiated control arrangement would depend on several factors, including the effectiveness of the internal control and assurance system to identify and alert management to control risks.45, Devolution of Expenditure Control in France, Morocco, and Thailand. They can be more easily circumvented, presenting the potential for error or fraud. The defining characteristic of an expenditure at the verification stage is that a liability has been incurred. Check float amount is the total amount of outstanding checks that have been issued, but have yet to be encashed. This may lead to potential arrears. Commitment. In any case, understanding the seven key stages of the expenditure cycle and associated control systems is also important to effectively design and implement an FMIS. An overview. HM Treasury, 2013, Review of Financial Management in Government, ( There is potential scope for over commitments and/or manipulation of in-year data on commitments which may not be systematically recorded/tracked in a timely manner at the respective stage of the expenditure cycle.39, Scandinavian. Similar to Francophone, but with a centralization of authority in one office of the finance ministry (either the budget or accounting office). As these countries transitioned to market-based economies, they established centralized treasury departments under the finance ministry to process payments and exercise control at the payment stage. For example, the Social Security Act requires the government to provide payments to beneficiaries based on the amount of money they've earned and other factors. Options for strengthening the expenditure control framework. . Shorter check validity period to minimize check float; monitoring of check floats and delay in electronic transfers. For multiannual programs/projects, the approved budget includes both the multiannual commitment limits (autorisations dengagement or AE) against which it also sets annual limits (crdits de paiement or CP) for cash payments during the year. In addition to it, the Budget contains: Estimates of revenue and capital receipts, Ways and means to raise the revenue, The distribution of responsibilities between them is typically organized along the following lines: The budget department of the ministry of finance issues regulations on matters related to the execution of the budget, apportions appropriated funds to spending agencies, monitors their expenditures and performance, authorizes in-year budget revisions, and monitors and reports on budget execution. For other expenditure items, the devolution is based on the assessed effectiveness (through formal capacity audits) of the internal control system of the line agency and its risk management capacity. However, this may not be true when only a commitment has been incurred but the government does yet have a liability because, for example, the goods and services have not yet been supplied. Lusophone African countries are also characterized by a higher degree of centralization in the sense that the overall budget execution responsibility, including the responsibility for financial control, is usually concentrated in one office: either the budget office itself (e.g., in Guine Bissau, and Sao Tome and Principe) or the accounting office (e.g., in Angola and Mozambique). Types of Spending 1. When several departments in the ministry of finance and other agencies are involved in the supervision of the expenditure cycle, clear business process rules delineating the respective functions of each are required. In many countries each appropriation is the subject of a separate vote by the legislature. Budgets are not the only mechanisms that provide the legal authorization to incur expenditure. The total amount of outstanding checks that have been issued, but the official commitments! 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Characteristics Of An Apostolic Anointing, Articles T