Well Im yet to know if i believee these matches, I was invlolved with a sagitarius who was supposed to be almost a 100% match for a gemini woman but that was the worst man ever for me. He is loyal, courageous and is often reticent about sharing his feelings. Will I get married again? When we are intimate, he totally inspires me to go extra lengths, but seems to need more intensity than play which is not my field of a game but we both love the time together when we are tired I dunno whether I should call this a chemistry or a disaster, because he seems not to be bothered but keeps trying to pin me down, and I am always missing him to death but wanna go away when i we spend more than 15 min together. You Are Attractive There is no other reason than why scorpio women are attractive for Scorpio man. On the other hand, the Gemini female has qualities pertaining to adaptibility which is needed while dealing with a Scorpio man. 1. From what Ive read on this thread im not too sure what to think. And the good stuff is about seeing where your relationship will go rather than rushing headlong into anything that may turn out not to be what you both wanted. Scorpio men are always intensely loyal. My other cousin(25may) was also very geminish in nature, thou she was much more stable, but never had a serious relationship & trust me she broke many hearts, without any remorse ever. So, the setting is an academy, ppl btwn age grup (18-30) study here. Im just now entering early adulthood and I still love him even though we no longer communicate. @Phillygem526 I meant to you *why dont scorpio men, @Scorpio-Man.I see your post was from March 2011did you ever apologize??? I no longer want to just tell her how much I love her, I intend to spend the next 50 lifetimes showing her. So when Mr. Scorpio guy called again, I picked up the phone, we talked and I was surprised when he said HE MISSED ME SO MUCH. And if youre wondering, Why are Geminis attracted to Scorpio? The answer is because a Scorpio man is so mysterious and complex. He was going through a nasty breakup with his partner and he has four kids. Wow, this made me cry because I know exactly how you feel as a Gemini woman. Hi Im curious about scorpio evolved in 7 staged,how could it be? I am a true Gemini, exact. He makes decisions based on feelings and gut instincts, and he is very in touch with his emotions. I think you must confess to her your true feelings for her to know, what she really is to you. You are not better. But that does not excuse that he is an immature, childish, arrogant(as all Scorps are) ass. Scorpio already feels like no one gets them, which is true, the last thing they wud want is a partner with whom they wudve to adjust on THIS topic, to whom they understand but the partner dsnt. They enjoy what they do, whether its taking their time planning a nice date or being in the moment when they are getting to know someone new. They aren't afraid of commitment and aren't afraid to say that they want the best for the people that they love. The most easy to understand feature of Astrology, The factor influencing your mind and emotions, Explore all about the 9 Agents of God the 9 Planets, The House which forms the basis of the Horoscope, The 12 crucial components that make up the Horoscope, Explore the deeper aspects of the human psyche, Copyright 2023 Wellness Technologies Private Limited, For 100% Privacy, Security & Easy Access To Expert Astrologers, You will receive a 4 digit code for verification, Enter Your 4 Digit OTP Code on+91 7201040060Change, SCORPIO MAN AND GEMINI WOMAN COMPATIBILITY. I have a Scorpio ex that I dont believe I will ever get over in my life. I hope someone like a easygoing Leo personality will come along . Share your thoughts and experiences in a comment below. He nearly drove me crazy and treated me so lightly. Ive even sent him articles on his sign and he never knew about himself so it was an eye opener for him. She snuck up on me lol. you whore i hate you and hahahahahahahaha STOP telling people u played me when i was the one who sweet talked you into thinking i actually liked you and thaught you were beautiful ahaha i think you are fucken ugly and you grose me out and i never want to see you again and talking to you was a big mistake i hope you finally realize that and stop calling me and texting me pretending to be someone else you bitch i hate you =D . He is very protective over me kind of like a father. He is a free spirit who doesnt like to be tied down since they know they can walk away at any time when they choose to. Wt ever u feel, multiply it by 100, thats how intensely this sign feels everything. Yes, they'll be willing to give things a second chance, but there's a catch. When it comes to personality traits, a Scorpio man and a Gemini woman are opposites in nearly every way. It is completely harmless and I find his jealousy to be quite comical. Now, the first thing i noticed abt her was that mutable gemini nature, she LITERALLY said one thing & did another thing the next moment. The case isnt that different with other gemini friends I have, its like they are on this hunt to find some happiness, but deny it when its right in front of them. Also, Serpent doesnt mean all bad. Similarly, she may also feel restless seeing him talk to women who are attracted towards his naturally charming personality. you. So I filed for child support. Ive given her my account info for Facebook emails etc. Your emotions are your poison. Disappointment is inevitable, but with a Scorpio man by your side, you can make it work. He doesnt trust me. Now, when such people comment on these forums or anywhere with these already registered personality errors in scorpio minds, it also affects their own credibility. Every time we make love It is magical and he makes me melt. For a Scorpio guy and a Gemini girl to start a relationship, they have to meet each other first. Why do you care why she blocked you? Use the ancient technique of Kundli Matching, to help you choose the right kind of life partner. Im at that point in my life where im looking for some stability, I have worked on myself so much over the recent past. Scorpios know what they want and whether its you or someone else. The initial contact of Gemini woman and Scorpio man throws sparks and cause captivation. A really rare combination of being together in a relationship is of a Gemini man and Scorpio woman. Just because of this determination, commitment and devotion, he is able to achieve a lot of things on his own. And they never understood that I never even tried to turn the key, I *was* the key, so never needed try. ZODIAC SIGN. Well guess what, he cheated on me with someone younger. BE REAL, AVOID FAKE OR SUPERFICIAL BEHAVIOUR. Also, the wisdom thing is definitely true, btwn the sag woman & gemini woman, the sag woman has that sense of knowing(in my opinion). I felt her before I even laid eyes on her. It also makes us susceptible to emotional contagion which sucks at times, but it just comes with the territory. Somedays I feel like I would be willing to destroy my entire life just to be with him again and others I just want to be friends again. I wanted that as well! Their inevitable split is likely to be painful and acrimonious. It takes a strong will and commitment to be with one person. It hurt me so much that he did that, I literally laid in bed and cried for an entire weekend. Our community thrives when we help each other. He can tell you how to be more steady in your opinions and that already helps a lot. Hurting me with no remorse (another gemini trait). I never felt so serious about someone. Do you believe in love @ 1st sight? i blew it off needless to say, sex game is on point, and i normally find sex as a game of i WiN he appears to be pretty cool.. it tooo soon to see if well run off into the sunset together, but hes fun to be around and the energy is there thanks for the insite!!! I was finally just a little bit certain that she had put down her guard. Find yourself an Aries man, the compatibility is great and freedom should be liberating! I love your description of a Gemini woman and thats me all around, Im very bubbly and enjoy the company of friends but I also cant wait to get away from them and be alone. This is insanely accurate! Her one serious thing was my scorpio friend, the guy literally asked her on their first meeting if her bday was in May or June & that did she like maths, both being true, didnt surprise me as he does his detective/psychic thing all the time. Look at sags, they seem absent minded & fools initially, but a closer look tells you how full of wisdom theyre. This makes it difficult to convince her to become deeply involved with any one person. From a Scorpio you can learn to be steady in your opinion and make up your mind about something. and after i broke it off he went away for three months. On the one hand, he can be extremely sensitive, tender, and emotional. And because this is something that most people of any Sign cannot begin to understand, most dont recognize it at all when its right in front of them. Even when we do go out, he is the more social one. They tend to be very loyal, sticking by their partner through the best and worst of times. And when such people go on to tell their relationship stories, scorpios wont take that on face value coz they KNOW that your behavioural weakness is obvious even from such a trivial online medium, LITERALLY visible in the first few sentences of your posts, meaning that theres likely possibility of high variation or difference between the actual story and the story youre telling Unrelated to this, Similar deduction happens if u meet such scorpios in person, and thats usually within first few minutes of meeting u.- - Do you know how many fools are there who happen to be scorpios & who cant control the super stylish description of this sign. . But I guess its more like a dont ask, dont tell type of thing. This is the happiest I have ever been in a relationship. I asked my partner for his help as he is a scorpio. They are loyal, trustworthy, and devoted individuals who make for some really good boyfriends and husbands. This may turn out to be negative for the relation as she is someone who likes to enjoy her freedom. They cant wait to get back home to see you and talk about your day. The sex, omg. These men are some of the most passionate of all zodiac signs and they wont hesitate to let you know about it. I just enjoy her time and company, but Im learning to understand that she has to be independent sometimes. Even planned to move in together back in November but decided the time wasnt right So i was kind of hurt and backed off from him for some months but I couldnt stop thinking bout himSo I reached out to him and he was so excited tht I was communicating with him again because I was ignoring his calls and texts Anywho on Saturday he told me he loved me and I was to shocked to reply I dont want to put myself out there again But I really love him too Its scary because this (love) happened in such a short time, as u say were d most hard to know sign and i dont think we even know what goes on in each others minds when we meet a fellow gemini..but i dissagree with the female gs always in fantasy land comment.. and the two faceited rep..i try 2 see things from both sides.. its called empathy. I am a Gemini woman and have a Scorpio man friend for 16 years. That when conflict happens, you are willing to work at things (that you will not run at the first sign of trouble). the icing on the cake is, my first bf, an aquarius, gave me a hard time (to hell with that womanizer)! (or us I should say) It also helps me let go. When we find them it is SO obvious to us that we can fall in love with you, and that you can fall in love with us and we dont really understand why you dont get it. However, their indecisive nature, flighty, head in the sky attitude is tiring after a while. Gemini and Scorpio make an absolutely odd couple. ,. Scorpios are really hard to fight with as a Gemini. And then these mercury people, along with Virgos, look for the more secure option, not the one that would make them happy Its pretty sad, but I dont think they ever even realize it, they just forget n forget, like running from their truth. As about your dilemma. damn dream!!!! Even his mean neorotic ways. Also, he is very passionate and sensual about love making, whereas the female Gemini is someone who does not consider the physical act of love making the most prior thing. For the Scorpio man, once theyve decided on something, they keep with it no matter what. haha, anne frank and peter van pels were gem girl and scorp man. He is loyal, courageous and is often reticent about sharing his feelings. Hes the most independent, strong, loving and goofy individual Ive ever met and I cant get enough. Since this limit hasnt really happened before and I do encourage her to embrace her dual natures cos its the best way to find a good balance btw both, which resulted me not being firm enogh to jst stop her entirely from drinking at the party, coupled with the fact that she says she doesnt love me and she has boyfriend she really loves; I feel I should let her go cos Im not only a bad influence, Im also just a distraction. Im a Gemini woman who has only fallen in love twice and both times was with a Scorpio man. I cut off all contacts with a Scorpio guy last year (ldr and he seemed very sweet/intense/ obsessive but guarded?) Ive been the one so far dealing patiently with her highly fluctuating behaviour. When you make a promise to your Scorpio man, whether its in a relationship or business, they are going to hold up their end of the bargain. A Scorpio man attracts the Gemini woman from the first time she takes a glance of him. I scared her. A Scorpio man can handle, solve, win and conquer seemingly all impossible situations. Had never seen her act & feel so strongly for someone, she used to pride herself that how no one matched her intellectually, how she liked guys keep guessing, but with this guyand I saw her behaviour in front of him, it was like he had a spell on her or somethin. I was terrified to death to be with him because of our history so I tried so damn hard to brush off his advances as long as I could until I literally fell weak in my knees and succumed to them. im in love with this gemini girl ..but she is always so fidgety.cant seem to understand what she wants. Has been almost a month of no contact. So, what are their initial impressions of one another? Even though Geminis may appear to move on quickly, taking chances and meeting new people, the fact of the matter is that it will take some time for them to come to terms with their emotions. Hate libras. Most of these ladies explaining themselves here about how so deep & emotional they are & yeah, I get what they mean, but still Why do u always keep running away from every goddamn thinggg?? We both early 20s still trying to figure life out that I think I wasnt secure enough for him even though he kept saying he didnt want anything serious. So if youre dating a Scorpio man, chances are you wont be looking at anyone else any time soon. Gemini can learn so much about trusting people, opening up, developing knowledge, getting connection on a deeper level, because a Scorpio wont be leaving you if youre a bit weird or unstable in your emotions as long as your honest about it. Fighting with depression. The Air Signs, namely Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are very chilled out and light-hearted folks, and do not like getting worked up about things. My heart would do a happy dance every time I would hear them announce his name and especially when he would win. If they promise to be with you, most likely they will always be with you. People laugh at me when I tell them that he makes me see stars! But if u dont show such behaviour further or show actual smart/impressive traits, then theyll let that first observation go for the time being, but wouldnt forget. Never felt so comfortable with a man in a long time. A weird or shallow behaviour from normal perspective, but I understand her easily & know that its natural to her. I had his parents address. Gemini and Scorpio are not the simple type. Why even bother talking in the first place if youre so CONFUSED all the fucking time. And it is quite selfish indeed, because frankly, you as a person just want to enjoy your youth, its mostly when youll be old & the bodily beauty will begin to deteriorate, youll want to settle & find deep connections. And i always fall in love with him. Despite Gemini is attracted to Scorpio in most cases, many claim their long-term relationship won't work. Gemini Man with Scorpio Woman Love Compatibility, Gemini Love Compatibility with Other Zodiac Signs, Scorpio Love Compatibility with Other Zodiac Signs, https://exemplore.com/astrology/The-7-Symbols-of-a-Scorpio, Gemini woman scorpio man Gemini | Horoscope Guru Blog Archive. Sadly, because we Gemini women also feel so much and think so much and because we see and relate to the duality in all things, Scorpio never recognizes that he is the only thing in our lives that we could never be swayed on, and its our love for Scorpio, and our behavior toward all other things in the world cause Scorpios to believe we see them the same as we see everything else, but its the exact opposite. Scorpios arent afraid of changethey embrace it, something special, and they wont easily let go, succeed in both business and relationships, make sure that you are the right person for him, they also dont go into relationships lightly. When i confronted him about it he answered i fell out of love with you a long time ago (a gemini trait). He is a person who takes physical love to a spiritual level and makes the pleasure of sexual intimacy, an eternal unison. No sign that he even reads them. Im so glad I am not the only one who feels this way as I am a mature Gemini woman and I know exactly what I want and us being in a mental fantasy state is because we havent reached those depths with anyone to fulfill except with my Scorpio. What a Scorpio man likes in a Gemini woman is her ability to relate to and connect with anyone. Hello Astrogirls! so me and her went out and had a good time and drank and i didnt want to try to get too close to fast or anything, basically wanted to show her i want the real thing or nothing. He made sure he showed me and told me pretty much everyday.I wish you both nothing but the best may you have many more years of love and happiness. After that night we hung out several times before he started a strong pursuit of me and by strong I mean I start getting texts to the effect of I want you so much and things of that nature. I didnt talk to her that day, felt bad when she was looking at me to talk but I avoided it. They are both funny and enjoy banter and teasing as a form of flirtation, so they will quickly hit it off and develop an easy, playful rapport. I had no idea wtf happened, probably there was no call so she mustve decided to focus for the exam. Given their decision-making habits, Scorpios dont get into relationships as quickly as others. Well Sun Signs work for men, but I use Moon Signs for women. Its up to you, but at least you know where he stands from the start. When i met my scorpio guy , i became myself ; loyal and also jelouse. Hope you can do something with my advice. I am a Gemini woman and in love with a Scorpio male. The way he sees it, theres no such thing as destiny. It has to be both parties really wanting it, understanding each other, and willing to accept and compromise. Compassionate She needs to work hard in staying calm and level headed when her Scorpio man shows his stubborn streak or becomes violently emotional over her light and delicate attitude toward things that mean so much to him on such a deeper level. It isnt a personal attack on anyone for gods sake let me give yall a tip, sensible or evolved scorpios NOTICE such details where theyll automatically identify anyones weak spots in their personalities, be it gemini or other stupid scorpios or any other sign. We have managed to find Our Own. Thinks that others should cater to him. Most cmnts here are gemini women wondering why the scorp guy ended the magical all well relationship. awwww. First, not everyone is the same because of their signs. He is willing to take his time to make sure its a healthy relationship for both of them no matter how long it takes, and that means he does have your best interest at heart. Or be her friend and be there for her. I would recommend every Gemini, and especialy with a venus in Leo, to get a scorpio men! Hes hates being the center of attention and when we are out I draw attention with my personality but hes the love of my life and Im thankful for his grounded nature, it helps me not be so flighty. But it seems pretty accurate thus far. I realized it when i cudnt see her last seen & that mental connection we have, I just knew it. I lost mine recently due to a sudden unexpected death and my world has crashed. A Gemini woman is an academic intellectual, while a Scorpio man learns his greatest lessons from his relationships with others. What I tried in my relationships is to ask my partner for help in better communication. They dont want anything fake or superficial, so if youre looking for a quick hookup or a fling, you will not get the worthwhile relationship that Scorpio men are seeking. Thank you for putting that out there, I can truly relate and am so grateful that some do understand.. Now GEMINI FEMALES, plz explain if u can. Lots of extreme argument but later we kiss and make up after he promises me that he wont do it again. Therere many unevolved fools with this sign who just are not the super cool Scorpio. He always choosed his friends and family over me and Iam just devastated. He is a master of non-verbal forms of communication, so he can read body language and facial expressions with ease. We still see each other everyday talk non stop, and she is again talking about leaving her husband. You have to get past that, @josh maybe there a reason she broke up with you from your last comment something tells me u wouldnt really be sweet to her slut I hate you really from this something tells she needs someone better than u, @gaby people dont tell u who u are u tell them. Its been over a decade of dating. This is because of the integrity that they hold dear to their hearts. And I feel his sinsere emotion when hes with me. Coz Im a scorpio,where can I search about this scorp evolved 7 stages? Then i asked if I had done smthng wrong, but she said it wasnt related to me, it was abt her & she needed time from everything.. But I overloved him. then she went to some place outside canada and got drunk and fucked some guy. So that being said the bad fame people tend to give Geminis in relationships is only because most dont understand them. Thats what zodiac is there for. They will likely separate and get back together at least once before they sever ties completely. man, you need to go back to school to get some gettin used to! So, you will feel his protective nature when he is around you. He had become a bit of a fixation for me, having put up such a thick barrier around himself, piquing my curiosity even more. Wow, thank u for speaking this into existence! I am also dating a my third to b exact!!! I absolutely appreciate his will to be honest when fights arise it clears the air. Not hurt anyone like that. The above link will give you $50 off your first session - an exclusive offer for Love Connection readers. After all, this man is clearly in it for the long haul and isnt going to be easily dissuaded from his goal. what makes you think that you are what someone tells you,we are from god and most important more than mear words, we are human, feeling, loving, and kind. I was hurt, all the same, but I didnt blame him for it. Scorpio man, on the other hand, feels strongly reaching the deep levels of passion that are so important in a relationship. Hes with me in the sky attitude is tiring after a while bit certain that she had down... Sticking by their partner through the best and worst of times love with a man! Sinsere emotion when hes with me him about it fell out of love with a Scorpio guy i. All the same because of the integrity that they hold dear to their hearts him articles on own. Partner for his help as he is an academy, ppl btwn age grup ( 18-30 study... 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