Some of these decks had 60+ cards and could function as standalone game decks, but others were small expansions intended to be mixed-and-matched with other decks. You can replace either 1 clay, 1 reed, or 1 stone. If you already live in a clay hut or a stone house when you play this card, place the clay on the round spaces immediately. Whenever you use the "Fell Trees" special action, you receive 1 additional wood. For upgrading the Village Church to the Church, you receive 2 food. After you play this card, pass it to the player on your left, who adds it to their hand. Otherwise, the food is returned to the supply. Players begin the game with two family members and can grow their families over the course of the game. Dice Throne: Season Two - Seraph VS Vampire Lord. Many of these rulings are based on . The grain that you pay for the vegetables may not come from a field. Whenever you use the "Take 1 Grain" action space, you receive 1 additional grain. At the end of the game, you receive 6 bonus points if this is the only occupation you have played. It is its own deck that is drawn from when certain actions are taken; because of this, it is compatible with both editions. Placing the field tile does not count as a ploughing action. Pastures may only be built if they are completed --- you may not leave a pasture open. Whenever you use any family growth action, you receive 1 bonus point as well as 1 fuel and 1 food. If someone takes the food from "Fishing" before the end of the round, you receive nothing. When you play this card, you can immediately plough 1 field for each plough or Harrow that has been played by any player. However, you may not use that food to buy more animals with the Animal Trainer. The highest bidder gets the resources and you get the food. The farmers are represented by farmer meeples instead of large discs. At the start of the work phase of each round, you can distribute the wood from the "3 Wood" action space as evenly as possible onto the neighbouring "1 Clay", "1 Reed" and "Fishing" spaces. When you use the "Day Labourer" action space, place a claim marker on both action spaces. with. I know the cards well enough that knowing which edition the cards were from would help me in a tiny way and I wouldn't want that advantage. Place 3 vegetables from the general supply on this card. 24 . The Copse is not considered to be adjacent to any farmyard space or other card, regardless of its location, and does not benefit from the. the. At any time, you may pay 1 food to convert 1 grain in your personal supply to 1 vegetable. The box says 90 minutes. You may use this card only once per action. The second occupation costs you 2 food. Unlike the original (EIK) decks, however, they are not scaled by complexity. If you select a major or minor improvement action on an action space, you can play 2 minor improvements. This still counts as taking wood, and activates e.g. Sheep provide 1 food, wild boar 2 food, cattle 3 food. Once you have a stone house, at the start of a round you can always either pay 1 food to play an occupation card or play an improvement card by paying its costs. The card represents 2 additional, normal farmyard spaces. If you already have fields, you can only exchange a moor tile that borders an existing field. and the action space "Take 1 Building Resource" in 3-player games if the other player takes wood. The offer changes each round: 2: food, 3: grain, 4: fuel, 5: wood, 6: clay, 7: sheep, 8: reed, 9: wild boar, 10: stone, 11: cattle, 12: horse, 13: vegetable, 14: guest marker. When you play this card, you receive 1 wild boar. Is activated when a player uses an action space on which reed is placed each round, the action space "1 Reed, Stone, and Food" in 4-player games. Remove the arrow marker at the end of each round. After you play this card, pass it to the player on your left, who adds it to their hand. Playing this card costs you an additional 4 food. For example, you do not have to pay any stone if you play. In my opinion, the shaped wooden pieces make a huge difference to game play. At the start of that round, you receive the fuel. using the, You cannot renovate in the middle of an action, e.g. One caveat to all of this is the Farmers of the Moor deck of Minor Improvements (E, F) which was intended to be played by itself, and only by itself, when playing the Farmers expansion. You can use an action space with only 1 wood on it, and only take 2 food (and no wood). For example, if you create a new pasture from an empty space and one with a stable, you can use the Animal Breeder. When you harvest more than 1 grain at the same time, e.g. At the end of the game, you receive 3 bonus points if you have at least 5 plowed fields, 8 grain and 4 vegetables. Folded Space EOOD. Discover the best deals, community, and shopping experience for board gamers. Add 4 and 7 to the current round. He occupies a room in your home and must be fed with 2 food during the feeding phase of each harvest. Each entry in this list contains the card text, the clarifications given in the appendix of the rulebook (where available), and a number of additional rulings. For example, when someone places a person on the "3 Wood" action space, you may use another player's, If the owner of an occupation and you both want to use the same occupation at the same time, the owner is the first to benefit. That said, for most players out there, those two things won't change the game play either way for them. You will receive the guest marker when you use a special action to clear that forest tile. You can only get food or fuel for buildings that you own. Its cute and not meant to replace the real thing. However, you can use all other occupations at the start of a round, including another player's, If another player has an occupation that can be used only once, e.g. You can use an action space with only 2 wood on it, and only take 3 food (and no wood). The Reed Buyer cannot interfere when reed is taken for the second time in a round. Whenever you use the "Fishing" action, you also receive 2 fuel. The current round is not a completed round. The new person can be used in the current round, as it is put in its own room immediately when playing this card. Theme of this deck is Czech Republic. for the requirements of other cards. You can no longer keep animals in it. In addition you can (optionally) immediately exchange 1 moor tile for a field tile. The result was some pretty powerful combinations in everyones hands. Guide your family to wealth, health and prosperity and you will win the game. You yourself may place all your family members. Add 3, 7, and 11 to the current round. You must follow the usual rules for building fences: if you already have pastures. You can convert your animals into food at any time. Whenever you use the "Cut Peat" special action, you also receive 2 wood. Z-Man's publishing license eventually ended and Mayfair took it over. [. You cannot place more than two people immediately after one another turn with the Lasso. Whenever another player builds 5 or more fences, you receive 2 wood. Then came the Revised Edition and everything changed. You can only put an extra grain on grain fields, and an extra vegetable on vegetable fields. If any player has built a Well, you receive 3 food for each 2 clay instead. Distilling schnaps does not count as baking. This costs 1 food per person. When the other player chooses another occupation card, you cannot make him play another one again. by using both. The effect of the Smallholder is optional, but if you use it in an action, you must use it for all fields you sow in that action. After you play this card, pass it to the player on your left, who adds it to their hand. At the end of the game, any player who has no negative points receives 5 bonus points. At the end of the game, you receive 1/2/3 bonus points for 2/4/5 reed. Immediately acquire the Joinery, Pottery, or Basketmaker's Workshop, without placing a person. You may postpone this to any later moment, as long as you still have fewer family members at that time. Whenever another player plays an occupation, you can pay him 1 food. You perform a sowing action, which you can only use for this vegetable. Place 1 stone on each of the spaces for rounds 8, 10, 12, and 14. After you play this card, pass it to the player on your left, who adds it to their hand. Whenever you use the "Fishing" action space, you receive 1 additional wood for each of your farmyard spaces with a forest tile, up to a maximum of 3 wood. Whenever you use a person to take a Plough fields action, you can buy 1 horse for 1 food immediately afterwards. Immediately discard all the occupations that you have played. Only the food that was lying on the action space can be used to buy animals. At the start of these rounds, you receive the cattle. If you do this, you receive 3 food before you pay the costs of the card, but you must play the card that the other player draws. Sofia, Bulgaria. You may look at the action card of the next round at any time in the game. You may only play an occupation if you have food --- even if it would provide immediate food. because you are last in player order or because you have more family members than anyone else, you do not receive bonus points for them. You can plant grain or vegetables on up to 2 empty farmyard spaces. You cannot use the Scythe twice on the same field in the same sowing action. If you have no baking improvements, you do not receive any food when you play this card. At the end of the game, you receive 2 bonus points if you have at least 5 fields. The Unofficial Agricola Compendium. This is a major expansion that replaces the Minor Improvements from the base game. Whenever you use the Take 1 Grain action, you also receive 1 horse. [. (Of course, it still counts as a single improvement.). You pay 1 stone less for it. Board game mechanics: Enclosure Hand Management Worker Placement Advantage Token Automatic Resource Growth Drafting Increase Value of Unchosen Resources Solo / Solitaire Game Team-Based Game Your wild boar breed at the end of round 12, if there is room for the piglet. [, Is not activated when another player uses the, Is activated when another player receives multiple animals at one time because of the, Is activated when another player receives multiple animals at the start of a round, including those from the. Thus, I usually mixed the (E) Deck and (K) Deck for my games. You receive 1 cattle when you build your second stable, 1 wild boar when you build your third and 1 sheep when you build your fourth. When you play this card, immediately either discard 1 begging card or take 1 animal (of your choice) from the supply. You'll get a notification when this game's price falls below the amount you set. You cannot convert animals into food during the breeding phase of the harvest. You can use any Family Growth action space, even if another player has already placed a person there. Is activated when you use an action space that contains wood because of the Wood Distributor. Is not activated if you use the "Sow and Bake Bread" action space, but don't bake. It also includes 24 new "starter card" which grant one-time bonuses (e.g. for, Every grain that is moved from this field to your personal supply has to be baked, including when, Grain moved elsewhere (e.g. Board Games: Agricola: Dulcinaria Deck Expansion. Agricola (Revised Edition) is an animals game for 1 to 4 players. Each entry in this list contains the card text, the clarifications given in the appendix of the rulebook (where available), and a number of additional rulings. [. If you do this, the offspring does not count as newborn. For each grain or vegetable you convert to food (in any manner), you receive 1 additional food. From next round, whenever you use a person to take an action, you can build the Village Church immediately afterwards by paying the required resources. The new family members are placed on top of the person that was placed on the building action space. A player who uses this action space must pay you 1 food and receives 5 clay. You cannot return 1 cattle and 1 horse to the supply to receive 2 sheep. Once you live in a stone house, place 1 sheep on each remaining round space. The points from this card count as negative for the. Download Agricola Revised Edition, a strategy and board game app developed by Asmodee Digital, available across iOS devices, including iPhone, iPad, and Android devices. Then there are the serious deck expansions that heavily expand the (A), (B), (C), and (D) decks. Once during the game, at any time after your stone house reaches at least 4 rooms, you may extend it by 1 room at no cost. Whenever, at the start of a round, you are using more farmyard spaces than every other player, you receive 1 wood. At the moment, Agricola is not available for download on computer. Immediately place 3 clay on the card and add 1 clay at the start of each round. The game is designed for 1-4 players, features improved all-wood components and a card selection from the base game as well as its expansions, revised and updated for this edition. Your goal: to buildthe most lucrativefarm in 14 rounds of play. Any player who uses this action space must pay you 2 food. Would you like your application reviewed on WorldsApps? Taking a double action is not optional. For each person that you place late, you receive 1 bonus point. You do not receive grain for the current round, or any of the earlier rounds. Negative points that are compensated by the Yeoman Farmer are not counted as negative for the, The Yeoman Farmer also compensates negative (bonus) points for. For every 2 sheep that you have in the field phase of each harvest, you pay 1 fuel less to heat your home in the feeding phase of that round. If you have an oven, the Glassblower may convert 1/2 clay to 3/5 food in each harvest. If you play an improvement for a second time (e.g. Place 2 fuel on the corresponding round space. The idea was to go through the hundreds of original Minors and Occupations and cherry-pick the best and/or most popular cards to create two tightly edited, streamlined sets. In each harvest, the Basketmaker can convert up to 1 reed to 3 food. Once you live in a clay hut, place 2 clay on each of the next 5 round spaces. If you sow an empty field, you cannot use the Scythe on that same field in the same sowing action. Feeding your family is a special kind of challenge and players will plant grain and vegetables while supplementing their food supply with sheep, wild boar and cattle. For each moor tile that you remove, you receive 1 bonus point and 2 fuel. If you have already used a family member on one of the two action spaces before you play this card, you may move this family member at the end of the round. New actions become available at the start each round and resources get replenished on any taken in the previous round.At harvest crops are reaped, newborn animals arrive and you must feed your family. In each harvest, you take one wood from each of the stacks. You can take only 1 resource per round. The order (from least to most valuable) is: sheep, wild boar, cattle, horse. Growing your family gives you more actions but means you have more mouths to feed!The player with the most productive and advanced farm at the end of 14 rounds is the winner. If you use the Clay Deposit yourself, you may choose to take 2 bonus points instead of the clay. The card backs of the Minors and Occupations changed slightly between editions with the original edition having the text "Minor Improvement" or "Occupation" printed on the card backs where the Revised edition does not (a smart choice for supporting multilingual versions). If another tile is underneath the moor tile, it must also be returned to the supply. This is reduced to 1 food if you receive other building resources as well as reed. [, If you build no free fences, or fewer than 3, you cannot save the other free fences for later rounds. This expansion adds them. News. The Cowherd is not activated by using this space. When checking for grain and vegetables, you only take into account grain and vegetables that are currently on your (and other players') fields; not resources that were harvested earlier. If you choose not to build a free room at the start of round 11, you cannot build it later in the game. for. Place one family member token that you have not yet brought into the game onto this card, where it will live for the rest of the game. You do not participate in the work phase (phase 3) in round 14, but you still can profit from the start-of-round phase (phase 1). You may not use this card to change the costs of the. Whenever you have no more food during the feeding phase of a harvest and should take one or more begging cards, you receive one fewer begging card. Playing the Emergency Housing does not count as building a room and, for example, does not activate the, The stable only counts as a room when you have family growth (including when you use the Wet Nurse or. At the start of each round, you receive the food. Add 1, 5, and 9 to the current round. If all they do is rework the artwork to match the Revised Edition, theres so much content already created for Agricola they have plenty to choose from withouthaving to go back to the drawing board. Your children will help you on your tasks as they grow up! At the end of the game, you receive 1 bonus point for every 2 cattle. Place 1 sheep on the space for round 7, 1 wild boar on round 10 and 1 cattle on round 14. Each player starts with two playing tokens (farmer and spouse) and thus can take two turns, or actions, per round. Promote community contributions! Includes 117 Minors (Occupations are generally not played with Farmers). You require 2 less wood and 1 less reed to build wooden hut rooms. Place 1 wood on each remaining space for rounds 8 to 14. You can use the Fireplace or Cooking Hearth major improvements to convert horses to food. Return the reed to the supply and take the same number of other building resources of your choice. You receive that food even when you take the grain yourself. This article is going to try to clear these differences up. If the start player action is used more than once in a round, the last player to use it will be the start payer next round. This activates e.g. Grain fields are fields on which there is at least 1 grain marker. The wild boar on this card are included when scoring wild boar. In a 3 player game, the cards fill the top 2 rows on the board. Corporate author : UNESCO International Bureau of Education In : International yearbook of education, v. 16, 1954, p. 234-235 Language : English Also available in : Franais Year of publication : 1955. book part [. Each pasture (with or without a stable) can hold up to 2 more animals. Is not activated when you use any other action space to take stone. Additional grain a room in your home and must be fed with 2 food, cattle,.! The player on your tasks as they grow up who uses this action space can be used to buy animals... Must pay you 1 food to convert horses to food ( and no wood ) each round to 2 farmyard... Replace either 1 clay, 1 reed, or actions, per round building resources of your )! Play this card only once per action you live in a 3 player game, the from... Of course, it must also be returned to the supply plant grain or vegetables on up to 1 to. Provide immediate food put an extra grain on grain fields, you receive 1/2/3 bonus points 1 wood card included! 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