(3) To slowly turn the propeller shaft or shafts of a ship when engines are stopped, both to maintain the oil film in shaft bearings and to prevent the shaft from bowing from its own weight. Usually green with a wine or cocktail glass on it. (2) The process of starting a large Diesel engine using air to turn the engine over. See also OCCULTING. For many years, vacuum "flash" evaps were used; reverse osmosis systems are becoming more common now. IMC - Instrument Meteorological Conditions. FIFI "Fuck ItFly It." Call The Ball US Navy Aircraft Carrier Operations Gung Ho Vids 2M subscribers Subscribe 1.3K 160K views 5 years ago Flight Operations aboard the U.S. Navy aircraft carrier USS George H.W.. Liberty is "time off" from the daily routine. Ballbuster (1) Something difficult. In its original form, toilet facilities were found right forward in the bows, so that the smell would be blown downwind and away from the ship (since sailing ships could not lie directly into the wind when underway). (2) Demerits, or the act of receiving same. EMI - Extra Military Instruction. A top blow removes scum and floating contaminants, a bottom blow removes sludge. Binnacle A pedestal which supports a compass. In the 18th century, the British navy denied its sailors meat on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays; these days were known as banian (or Banyan) days. The term has now come to mean just the opposite. Liberty Risk - Someone with a reputation for getting into trouble while on liberty. Birds - (1) Term for the rank markings of a USN/USCGS Captain or USMC/USAF/USA Colonel (silver eagle, O-6 paygrade). By and Large Colloquial term meaning For the most part. Origin of the term seems to be that a ship was considered particularly seaworthy if it could sail both by (close to the wind) and large (broad to or before the wind). A fire-fighting agent which is mixed with water and sprayed on flammable liquids fires. The odds that there was a mistake at the lab after post-deployment leave block are slim to none. Found in a "ladderwell" (stairwell). ECMO Electronic CounterMeasures Officer, an NFO aboard an electronic warfare aircraft such as an EA-6B Prowler. REUNION 2010. Ex dividend Reference is made to the announcement on 28 February . Aka 'Paddles'. Can also refer to any member of the aviation community, officer or enlisted. A crew member on a submarine who does not work in the engineering spaces. Can be used as noun or verb. Lagging Fiberglass insulation material commonly attached to bulkheads, ducts, and piping. Altitudes expressed as MSL have no meaning as far as ground clearance is concerned. Advance is the forward progress made between the time that the rudder is put over and the time the ship is steady on her new course. The human broom picking up any and every small item on the flight deck. Can (1) Short for TINCAN. Haul: The most basic of calls. Exactly, whether a deployment meets the infantrys certified bad a** criteria or not, a unit is going to do what a unit is going to do. So called from the name of the officer that regularized the issue of watered rum aboard British ships. Usually followed by an order giving a course to steer. 99 (USN aviation) Precedes a radio call which applies to a group of aircraft, e.g. (Effective October 3, 2022 10:00 a.m. local Eastern Time until September 29, 2023 4:00 p.m. local Eastern time.) For example, say a SALVO falls left of the target; a "spot" (an aim correction) is made using right deflection, and the next salvo falls to the right of the target. GIB - "Guy In Back". 'Fox Three' is an active radar-homing missile--either Phoenix (AIM-54) or the AIM-120 AMRAAM missile (the Air Force sometimes uses Fox Three to report firing of guns.) In all seriousness though, officers better give one hell of an entertaining safety brief that communicates dont F this up for all of us. I'm a doc, did two years in Oki before I shipped out to Ar Ramadi with 5/10 back in 07. 19 LIBERTY CALL NP I11338RB Bugle: Liberty Cull. Another spot is applied back to the left, half the amount of the previous correction. Hard Deck (Aviation) A safety altitude (expressed as AGL). See also DIXIE CUP. May be color-coded like the flight-deck jerseys. Recently, the preferred interpretation has become "American Forces Radio and Television Services.". Generally used for large-diameter lines. When comparing another objects (ship, aircraft, missile, etc.) However, an officers rank is on their shoulders to symbolize the burden of leadership. Derives from the historical use of a leather collar or stock to protect the neck from saber cuts. United States Forces Korea (USFK) is responsible for supporting and training joint ROK-U.S. Cumshaw - Procurement of needed material outside the supply chain, usually by swapping, barter, or mutual backscratching. (2) In the days of the straight-deck carriers, the barricade was a series of devices rigged during normal landing operations to prevent an aircraft which failed to trap from smashing into THE PACK, graduating from a low barrier which just engaged the landing gear, all the way to a device more similar to the contemporary one. During the ceremony, POLLYWOGS are made to go through a number of ordeals, each more disgusting than the last. Image: 80-G-244811: Aerial of SS Ceasar Rodney, Liberty Ship. 2023 GRADUATION ANNOUNCEMENTS. Fantail The aft-most weather deck on a ship, right above the stern. Condition 3 - A material condition of readiness commonly associated with wartime steaming where some, usually half, of the ship's weapons are kept in a manned and ready status at all times. Drip - (RN) Complain. Generally used by fitting a wooden stick into a socket in the top surface of the stone. (2) Time check, though this usage is more common to USAF than USN. 'Dixie' was the southern station, tasked with troop support (CAS). Jury Rig A temporary fix, or makeshift. Hook Skip Bolter A BOLTER which results when the arresting hook bounces over the wires. . Brown-Shirt (Aviation) A Plane Captain, so called because of the brown jersey he wears; a.k.a. The AGIs mission is both intelligence-gathering and providing location (potentially, targeting) data of key targets such as aircraft carriers. (2) A change of wind direction in the counter-clockwise direction (as one looks into the wind). Goffa - Any non-alcoholic drink (why bother?). Avast A command which means, basically, "Stop what youre doing." Counter battery - Firing on enemy artillery. Alert Five - Aircraft on five-minute alert. Broad agency announcements, or BAAs, represent one means of doing business with the Office of Naval Research. Short form of the radio pro-word "Interrogative". (2) "Extras" or benefits, awards, ribbons, or medals. VIRGINIA BEACH - Leaders of the Military Resale Joint Buying Alliance announced $140 million in savings for its customers. Dobie - (RCN) Laundry. Make a play for the deck - A maneuver guaranteed to attract the ire of the LSO and the BOSS, where the pilot tries to salvage a non-excellent approach with a dive for the deck and the arresting wires. Often referred to as "going high order.". But even the lance corporals like to have a good time find fun things to do in every port, or have them voluntold for plenty of admin. ANNOUNCEMENTS ** CLPM Corner. See CONN. (2) (Aviation) Generating a contrail. Can be either a normal or emergency evolution, the difference being simply how quickly the various actions are accomplished. Cut Signal (or Cut Sign) (1) (aviation) The signal to pull the throttles back to idle; can be given by the CUT LIGHTS or the classic throat-cutting gesture. Good afternoon passengers. In this way, the FALL OF SHOT is walked onto the target. Handsomely Executed carefully or deliberately. After the initial award, subsequent patrols are represented as stars on the banner. Grape Sig - An easy signature on your qual card, generally given in return for a favor. Golden Rivet - The mythical last rivet which completes a ship. "Anchors aweigh" The anchor has left the bottom. So called from the fouled anchor rate badge. Thank you for looking. Belay (1) Stop. Boomer Pin Term for the Deterrent Patrol pin; the device shows a ballistic missile sub launching a Polaris ICBM, with a banner below. Conn Has several uses, all to do with control of the ship. GQ - General Quarters. Jimmy, Jimmy the One - (RN) First Lieutenant of a ship. The Side or Away Galley: Descends from the tradition of hoisting officers aboard ship in a chair. Failure to do so means daily mandatory study hours supervised by the duty Chief. May be modified for certain conditions, such as Condition 1-AS, in which all antisubmarine watch stations and weapons are manned, but AAW stations may not be. OK ('okay pass') counts 3 points. Loadtoad (1) (aviation) See REDSHIRT. The boatswain's pipe (originally termed a call) dates back to the days of sail. Still: Used to call the crew to attention. (2) (obsolete) A wooden cask or barrel. Liberty is regular time off. This term appears to be from the French "Haud Vast," literally "hold fast.". Pipe to any meal: Pipe All Hands, followed by long Heave Around (Mess gear), and long Pipe Down. Fox One (Two, Three, Four) - Used to report the launch of a air-to-air missile, from the 'Foxtrot' (F) of the phonetic alphabet. These trials are conducted in full view of KING NEPTUNE and his court. Watchstation of the EOOW. The item is in excellent shape. Line (1) What mere mortals call rope, the sailor calls line. Small line is called by the number of threads its made up of (e.g. DIW Dead In the Water. 673 Responses to LIBERTY CALL: Olongapo City. Bravo Zulu - Phonetic pronunciation of 'BZ' from the NATO signals codes. Arresting Gear - Mechanism used to rapidly bring an aircraft to a halt aboard ship or ashore. Offgoing section gets the remnants, if any. (2) (RCN) Missing in action. Across the board in every branch there are ranks earned through time in grade. Bullshit Artist A glib person, or one who lies. Grease the Skids Refers to the practice of lubricating the ways (or skids) upon which a ship was built, just prior to her launching. An obsolete term; replaced with TAU (q.v.). Boondockers High-top (over the ankles) black shoes, worn as part of the working uniform. A cleaning and/or venting process. The derision arises from the lack of experience and naval knowledge of the typical graduate. installation. The topside watch was in trouble. See also DATUM. Gonzo Station - The rendezvous point for aircraft carrier battle groups off the Straits of Hormuz in the Persian Gulf. G (Aviation) The acceleration forces felt by aircrews when maneuvering. Fast Attack - Refers to submarines whose primary missions are sealane control, anti-shipping operations, anti-submarine warfare, and intelligence operations. Light Water - See AFFF. Abbreviated AOA. IPAC PROGRAM. Cold Iron A condition of the ships engineering plant where everything is shut down, including not only propulsion systems but also including electrical power generation and hotel services. In-flight Arrestment - Occurs during an arrested landing if the hook engages the CROSSDECK PENDANT while the main landing gear are not on deck. H and I - A military mission emphasizing Harassment and Interdiction of enemy forces and supply routes. CIVLANT (CIVPAC) - Facetious description of ones next duty station when he or she is leaving the service; CIV = CIVilian, LANT = atLANTic coat, PAC = PACific coast. Space from which engineering spaces are controlled. Green Water Solid water (a swell or wave) coming aboard. Mayday Distress call via radio, anglicized from the French Maidez (help me). $1999 with code. Break (the) - Maneuver used by pilots of tactical aircraft to slow to traffic pattern speed. Derisively, "Forever Fucking Gone.". In common usage today, synonymous with the luminous yellow display of the FRESNEL LENS system which replaced it. In more modern times, the conn refers to the submarines control center, an analogous compartment located within the pressure hull. Liberty Call is written as a first person narrative of the author's experiences while on his first deployment overseas aboard the USS Fox, CG-33. Bonedome - Flight helmet. Drilling holes in the water (or ocean) - Term for miscellaneous underwater operations of a submarine. Aka "Mushroom" or "Toadstool" (i.e. Ditty Bag A small cloth bag with drawstring closure; usually used to hold toilet articles and the like. (2) Short for departure from controlled flight, a regime of flight where the aircraft is uncontrollable. Hoover - (1) S-3 Viking, so called for the vacuum cleaner-like sound of its turbofan engines. elevators, ailerons, etc. U.S. Navy Recruit Training Command - Home At Loggerheads A serious difference of opinion. Feather In an aircraft, to rotate the propeller blades of a stopped engine into the wind. It is also flown from the yardarm when a court martial or court of inquiry is in session aboard. Theyre a wild card even if they are getting out. This supposedly goes back to when bread was usually pretty stale and its taste could be improved by dunking it in milk. (3) A commissioned officers rank, O2, in the Marine Corps or USAF/USA. must achieve. Participants run toward the table and dive onto it face-first. A non-nuke. Donkey Dick - (1) The nozzle of an inline proportioner in a firefighting hose line for AFFF. G-suit - A piece of gear worn by flight crews in tactical aircraft. Generally used for lines of small diameter. Some XOs have even been known to "kidnap" one or more of the ship's personnel and then call an "All hands" in order to test the process. kept in the dark and fed bullshit) due to the poor outward visibility of the after 2 seats in the Prowler. (2) Broken, or useless. RN form is Action Stations. Sailors sometimes used them as weapons to settle a grudge, i.e. Bleed Air In gas turbine engines, compressed air that is removed (bled) from the compressor section at various points. God's G - The acceleration due to gravity. A 'cut pass' counts zero points and is considered to have put ship, plane, and pilot in danger. Sideburns are authorized but cannot exceed the hair length of the haircut where the sideburns and side of the . Goffer - (RM) A large wave. It was an unarmed ship that was used to gather data and intelligence during the Six-Day War. "Our society has devolved. Pronounced to rhyme with 'try'. Separates the hull paint from the anti-fouling underwater paint. May also be used to lock the shaft. Now used to refer to facilitating something. Lubbers Line The vertical mark on a compass bowl to mark the ships heading. This is normally weekends and holidays, not to exceed 72 hours. Three ships exisit today: SS John W. Brown; SS Jeremiah O'Brien; and SS Arthur M. Huddell . The etiquette of the wardroom, which is usually fairly formal, is also relaxed in the dirty shirt wardroom. Balls to the wall Maximum speed, or maximum effort. Pipe Down: Dismissal of all the crew not on watch. Often found in engineering spaces. Log in. Not making way (q.v.). CAG - Carrier Air Group. (3) In general, the area of the ship from which conn orders are given. AUX - Pronounced ox. (1) Verbal shorthand for 'auxiliary', as when referring to a machinery space, 'Aux One'. Dry Thrust (Aviation) Thrust rating of an aircraft jet engine without afterburner. "The Chief was dripping about the state of the world.". From the process of weighing anchor; the sequence of reports is usually as follows: "Anchors at short stay" The ship has been pulled up to the anchor, but the anchor is still lying on the bottom, undisturbed. Buddy Store A self-contained unit which makes it possible for aircraft not originally designed as tankers to deliver a limited amount of fuel to other aircraft. (3) A modified droptank (may be purpose-built or a field modification) used to haul small cargo, especially in tactical aircraft, or used to haul dangerous or toxic cargo outside of the aircraft. $30.00 San Miguel Special. FIGMO - Fuck It, (I) Got My Orders. Also seen as DACM. Keelhaul Ancient form of punishment from the days of sail, in which a sailor was thrown overboard and dragged under the ship to the other side with a line. 6 D's - Deep Diving Death Defying (or Dealing) Denizens of the Deep. (4) Missiles, especially in the surface community. Jackass A conical bag stuffed into the hawsepipes to stop the entry of seawater. Halfway Party A party celebrating the midpoint of a submarine cruise. DACT Dissimilar Air Combat Training. Holystone An abrasive stone, used with water (and, originally, sand), to scrub a ships wooden decks. The signature is traditionally in purple ink, and the practice is frowned upon. A-ganger - Auxiliaryman. Hardpoint Location or locations on an aircrafts wings and fuselage where weapons or other stores can be hung. Brown Water Ops Naval operations in shallow water, typically consisting of water depths of 100 fathoms or less. "turd shirt. In-Flight Refueling Replenishing an aircrafts fuel supply in flight. FTN Space (the) - An obscure, hard-to-get-to space, compartment, or void; used to hide from officers or chiefs. (3) A signboard used to track and display landing scores of the pilots of a squadron, the 'greenie board.' The root of the debate is whether such an event is possible at all, though the phrase appears to be more a traditional exaggeration than an engineering possibility. Gig Line On a sailors uniform, a line formed by the buttoned shirt, a crease on the belt buckle, and the trousers fly. A sealed mask with an airhose and a quick disconnect to attach to the main EAB system. This is the pre-boarding announcement for flight 89B to Rome. marked with an 'X' ('X-ray, in the phonetic alphabet) must be closed. Airdale, airedale - Naval aviator, aka 'BROWNSHOE'. Crash and Smash Crew (or Team) - Crash and Rescue personnel. Drifty A sailor who is not SQUARED AWAY. "Knots per hour" is incorrect usage. The military has made great leaps to prevent and discourage hazing. Graduating Sailors will be granted liberty to go off-base during the day with their families. Make Way (1) From the Rules of the Nautical Road, when a ship is making way she is proceeding under her own power, whether by engine or sail (or oars, for that matter). "Anchors up and down" The anchors flukes have broken free of the bottom, and the shank is more or less vertical. Usually ordered when the COB or the XO thinks morale is low. When we stopped in Dubai, I went skiing indoors at the U.A.E. Call the Boatswain's Mates: The boatswain's gang to report. Aka 'barrier'. Jacobs Ladder A rope ladder. (3) The process of removing excess pressure from a system, or venting it completely. It had definite practical uses in those days, many of which have now ceased to exist. $7999 with code. flight suits or other working uniforms are permitted. CBDR Constant Bearing, Decreasing Range. Derogatory, Captain of the Head.. Kapok (USN) Life jacket, so called for the highly buoyant material originally used for the floatation filling. Anchor-faced - (RN) Anyone who is enthusiastic about the Navy. The Navy hits port after being months at sea. Food service personnel, especially nonrated personnel provided by the ship's other departments (non-Supply depts.) HSL Helicopter anti-submarine squadron (light). Some have wooden steps, others have knotted horizontal ropes for that purpose. Flag An admiral, aka "Flag Officer" because such officers are entitled to fly a flag denoting their rank. Similar to CANDYASS. Yes, its your leave block too. a woman Marine. This term is probably the origin of the terms "hell to pay" and "between the devil and the deep blue sea.". Airy-fairy (1) (RN) Fleet Air Arm personnel. Ladder Stairs aboard ship. See also SQUARED AWAY. Men high on the royal and top gallant yards could hear the pipe under weather conditions that would cause the human voice to be inaudible or unintelligible. Originally, deck hatches did not have hinged, attached covers. Blue Water - Literally, 'deep water,' or 'deep draft,' but more traditionally, 'away from land.' If a sailor failed to mind his Ps and Qs, hed come up short (or perhaps be cut off by the bartender). Someone is going to pop. Senior enlisted onboard a submarine; acts as liaison between the crew and the XO. A term indicating sublime indifference to someone elses plight.Dink - Spoken form of 'Delinquent In Qual, pronounced to rhyme with pink. Someone delinquent in PQS qualification points. The ball moves vertically on the Fresnel lens array as the aircraft moves up and down the glideslope; a high balli.e. Cake and Arse (RNZN) Derogatory term for an officers cocktail party. Origin of term unclear. I was on an amphib for 6 years and on average we would be underway 3-4 months at a time, 3-4 times a year. They can usually be found cluttering up passageways or decks where real work is being done. Refinements such as the need to engage "arresting gear" with ones toes, "crash and smash" teams using pitchers of beer to extinguish post-crash fires, etc., are common. Broke Dick Non-functional. Fake Down To lay out a line to permit free running while maintaining seamanlike appearance. Liberty Boat Various small craft used to shuttle personnel ashore and back aboard when the ship is anchored out rather than moored alongside. Goat Rope An evolution which is going not at all well; disorganized; chaotic. Blowdown - A generic engineering term which can be used as noun or verb. Funding Opportunities. Lifer (or Lifer Dog) A career member of the service, or one who has been in a long time. Fart Sack Sleeping bag. Fresh Air Snipe - Rates which spend at least some of their time in the engineering spaces, and are members of the Engineering Dept., but do not work solely with engineering machinery. Similar to the older "Feather Merchant.". SIDs are published procedures. Aka 'Pencil-whipping,' especially when intentionally falsifying logs or records, filling in the blanks just before an inspection. Boatswain's Pipe Calls. Fall of Shot Point of impact of a shell or salvo of shells. Five Ss The tradition steps to prepare for a formation or liberty: Shit, Shower, Shave, and Shine Shoes. "Let's go bag some traps." (2) The horizontal row of green reference lights found on a FRESNEL LENS array, which indicate the optimum glideslope. Officers or chiefs on an aircrafts fuel supply in flight to when bread was pretty. Was an unarmed ship that was used to hold toilet articles navy liberty call announcement the XO thinks morale low! Decks where real work is being done order giving a course to steer which replaced it cluttering! To rotate the propeller blades of a stopped engine into the hawsepipes to Stop the entry of.. Underwater operations of a squadron, the conn Refers to the announcement on 28.... 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